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Session 50: Arrival

Written by ethancochrane

General Summary

With the dead and recently drunken ogre at their feet, the party pondered their day. More travel towards Durgam's Folly and a visit with Theodocius seemed fated. As they tightened their packs, Rivine noticed Trina talking furtively to Uli. The half-elf went to see what was troubling the wizard's apprentice and Trina began to speak about the 'dreams' she'd been having. Someone has been scrying on her over the last several days, and Trina has only been able to rebuff some of those attempts. It's not clear who is behind this.
  The party continued their travel into the foothills of The Barrier Peaks in the southern reaches of the Barony of the Horsehills. By midday they had reached a woodsman's hut and again Trina was troubled by its destruction. As the party carefully approached, a half-elf emerged from a cellar door into the ruined structure. This was Galadir, an aloof and quiet ranger who spends his days in the woods and hills. He had escaped an attack by giantkind, the ogres that had ransacked Hansonburg. Galadir heard the ogres speak warily of Gorush Kar, a leader of some sort.
  By light's end, the road entered a small slot between two hills, a perfect place for an ambush, as Uli had earlier described. The party approached with weapons ready and this was indeed a wise move as they were beset by ogres, trolls and a hill giant. Although none in the party speak giant, an ogre with red dreadlocks kept shoulting commands in the name Gorush Kar. Gorush Kar's forces would not prevail today though and after the party stacked the headless bodies by the side of the road, they cut the red dreds from the leader. At that point Mi'tsuru'gi noticed the armour used by the giantkind had the six-fingered hand of Grazz't painted upon them.
  While sleeping that night Jolee Bindo was troubled by visions of a slyly seductive female urging him to follow the diplomatic path of Rao and to seek the wise council of Theodocius. The monk gained no rest that night.
  The last full day of travel before the planned arrival at the keep was uneventful. Only in the late afternoon did the party encountered a band of humans emerging from the forest around them. Mitsu engaged the leader, Sharaf, who described his fighting force of ten or more Baklunish separatists. Even though the Baron of Parulla was sympathetic to their cause, these rebels sought to cecede from Bissel. Before leaving, Sharaf warned the party that fiends stalk the wood; trails of dying foiliage say it is so.
  Watch began normally that night, until Rivine was overcome by the sight of the largest bird ever to cross her gaze. A Roc blotted out the distant light of stars as she yelled to awaken her companions. Brynnwythlinmardcaladog was the first to emerge from Brimble Knackles Leomund's Tiny Hut. As he stood outside the tent gazing upward a talon the size of cottage slammed into him, crushing and grappling the Wolf Nomad. While the rest of the party donned armor and unsheathed weapons, Brynn was carried, the talon tightening its grip. Rivine, Mitsu and Brimble hurled missles at the gargantuan bird, but it continued to fly off with its prey. They could see their friend's body slump as he at last succumbed to the Roc's talon. Brynnwithlinmardcaladog's carnax will sing no more.
  Unbelieving, the party still slept and on the morning travelled the last few hours to the keep. Before the final approach, Brimble cast Arcane Eye to see from a distance. His spell gaze was met with a fort destroyed, walls caved in, scenes of battle surrounding, with one portion, the wizard's tower remaining intact.

Rewards Granted

Ogre x 3: 1350
Troll x 2: 3600
Hill Giant x 1: 1800
Roc x 1 (driven off): 1800
Discussion w/ Trina, re: scrying: 500
Speaking w/ Galadir: 500
Engaging with Sharaf and separatists: 1000
  Total XP per PC: 1925 (two NPCs earn xp for Combat, but not Interaction)

Ogre-Giant-Troll Ambush!

Report Date
26 Apr 2024
Primary Location


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