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Session 51: Battle at Durgan's Folly

Written by ethancochrane

General Summary

Brimble Knackles spent a goodly time investigating Durgan's Folly with Arcane Eye. Orcs, bugbears, and goblins variably kept watch and lounged around the ruined keep. Walls were knocked down and roofs collapsed from giantkind and other beasts. Orc-manned ballistas on the heights and goblins marching the perimeter added to the defences. The arcane eye moved through some interior rooms of the keep, but was stopped from investigating the central tower by a wall of force. Grazz't's six-fingered hand was graffited about and Theodocius appeared to be at work in a laboratory, of which Trina had no knowledge. There were also ogre and troll encampments in the surrounding forest. Much discussion was bent on a plan.   The first part of the plan was to test the keep's defences. Mi'tsuru'gi and a team moved through the forest and set about firing arrows on the ballista teams. Orcs were killed and goblinkind went to investigate the forest. But the orgre encampment also became involved and a forest battle ensued.   The ogres were dispatched and the party circumambulated the keep from within the forest. Within an hour they encountered a woodsman named Maru that Trina had met before. Maru joined the party for a time.   Soon they encountered the troll encampment and the companions and newfound friends were able to destroy the creatures. But still the problem of the keep loomed.   A new plan was devised. The party would assault from one direction while Maru distracted from the other. Maru's arrows provided some cover while Mitsu's missles took out the enemy on the opposite side. Brimble and Trina cast spells to hide the party in a cloak of invisibility and they made their way to the keep. Upon reaching the walls, Jolee Bindo used Brmible's magical paints to create a breach in the stones and they entered a kitchen store room. Rat swarms attacked, but these were soon destroyed. Meanwhile Mitsu made his way to the keep and Jolee attacked orcs an ogres in adjacent rooms. Unfortunately, others in the keep may now know the party is inside.   Brimble disguised himself as a goblin and made for the keep. Will he make it?

Rewards Granted

Goblins x 2: 100
Orc Eye of Gruumsh x 3: 1350
Black orc x 2: 400
Ogre x 4: 1800
Troll x 3: 5400
Rat swarm x 2: 100
Social Interaction
Befriending Maru & putting him in attack plan: 1000
Reconoittering & infiltrating Keep: 1000   Total per PC: 2344 (rounded up)

Character(s) interacted with

Maru the woodsman


A half-share of combat xp is awarded to Trina, Uli, and Maru (for combat where each was present) as NPCs they don't face the same decision-making of PCs. NPCs are generally not involved in interaction or exploration, so recieve no xp for those pillars. See 5e Crunchy House Rules.

Durgan's Folly

Report Date
29 Apr 2024

Battle in the Kitchen Store


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