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Session 53: Will the real Theodocius please stand up!

Written by ethancochrane

General Summary

The party descended the stairs from the ground floor of the keep and into the dungeon, a realm neither Trina nor Uli had plumbed, and one seemingly built along with the keep centuries before. Immediately, the adventurers encountered a trapped floor section, but keen eyes in the group saved them. Scouring the corridors they found a lived-in dungeon with an apartment, storage rooms, a kitchen, and more nefarious chambers.   The apartment was a comfortable room and had been used recently. All was neatly in place, stacked and sorted, a condition that Trina noted would not be like Theodocius. Books too were on the table that Trina had never seen. One in particular caught thier attention, "Legends of Iggwilv". This witch-turned-demigod is the mother of Iuz, with Grazz't the father. Too coincidental for such a book to be here?   Other aspects of the dungeon caused the party pause: a dead and forgotten guard of the keep who would have no business being down here; a kitchen in dissaray (and with a deadly ooze!), but with little food eaten, save for mead, a drink not favoured by Theodocius; evidence of a clawed beast having pentrated the subterranean rooms and leaving a tunnel in its wake; a torture chamber with undead (Dybuks!), and a scrawled grafitti accussing Theodocius; a golem laboratory with a hideous construct who had nothing to offer but grunts and, seemingly, a wish to be on his way.   And finally, stairs leading down to small crypt wherein two sarcophagi lay. In one rested Durgan, "Architect of the World", but now only bones, clad in gleaming chainmail with a sharp sword at his breast. The other crypt was empty, but inside a shaft led down. Before the party could descend claw marks on the stone wall adjacent appeared and then spectral arms burst from the surface while moaning came from within the wall. The party battled this entombed undead, listening to its screams and moans before finally defeating it, perhaps just poor souls buried alive mused Trina.   Who waits below?

Rewards Granted

Livestone Ooze x 1: 1800
Large Water Weird x 1: 1100
Walled Horror x 1: 2900
Dybuk x 2: 2200
Parlaying with the Witch-Doll Golem: 1000   Exploration:
Investigating the apartment, kitchen, torture chamber, and golem laboratory and surmising that Theodocious is, perhaps, dead, or has a split personality, or turned to evil: 2000   Total xp per PC: 2350

A Walled Horror in Durgan's Crypt

Report Date
28 May 2024
Primary Location


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