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Session 55: Undead Battle

General Summary

Creeping up the stairs to the main level of Durgan's ruined keep, Mi'tsuru'gi spied armoured Barrow Wights and shambling Coffer Corpses. The others ascended to Mitsu and more undead poured into the keep, a Zombie Troll crawled up the walls and a Ghoul Wolf raced down the ruined main hall. Perhaps worse, a Deadbark Dryad screeched incoherent elvish from the ramparts above.   Battle joined and the heroes fought bravely. Brimble Knackles delved the Liber Mortis and used its evil magic to control the undead monsters sending almost all running into the woods. The evil dryad, however was a force of malice, casting spike growth around the heroes and thwarting their movement. Rivine and Trina continued to battle the zombie troll while an undead crow flew from the sky to attack her and Uli. Jolee Bindo, having dispatched a corpse, lept to a ballista on the battlements. Mitsu fired his deadly arrows from inside the spike growth while Brimble braved injury to leave the enspelled area and cast his wand of magic missles at the Dryad. Her magic was strong though and she withstood the wand's blast and maintained her spell, all the while firing poisoned thorns and grasping vines at the heores.   Brimble took the fight do the evil fey, polymorphed into a Giant Ape and clamoured up to the ramparts. The two did battle while Jolee took command of a ballista. The monk fired a heavy bolt across the reaches of the keep and ripped the through the dryad while Trina's Gust of Wind blew her from the rampart.   Meanwhile, the Zombie Troll's strength caused trouble for Rivine and Uli as the sickening creature's wounds healed before them. Fortunately, Trina threw Melf's Acid Arrow at the undying creature to see it to the ground one final time.   The dryad, last enemy in the Keep, crawled up the wall and into the main hall, to be met by Gorilla-Brimble and his crushing rubble-blows. After a long-battle the crazed dryand screened one last time and then all was quiet save for the laboured breath of the party.

Rewards Granted

Deadbark Dryad x 1: 10,000
Zombie Troll x 1: 1100
Coffer Corpse x 5: 1000
Murder Crow x 1: 1800
Ghoul Wolf x 1: 450
Barrow Wights x 2: 2200
  Total per PC: 4,150

Gorilla-Brimble attacks the Deadbark Dryad with Uli as Mitsu and Ravine loose arrows

by Patricia Pillay
Report Date
17 Jun 2024
Primary Location

The Deadbark Dryad


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