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Session 58: Gnomes!

General Summary

The party was admitted to the warren in Gnome Valley, a warm, claustrophobic (for talls) maze of passages, rooms, antechambers, secret doors, with occassional shouts, squeals, booms, smoke, shakes, and all the other conveniences of gnome life. A comfortable guest chamber was made available with bunk beds for all. Rivine noticed a name carved on a crate in the room: Splendid Unicorn Ywain Artos.
  After a short while a gnome guard came to take the companions for their audience with the Laird. The gnome leader sat upon a mechanical throne with buttons and levers of arcane function. Joining the event were the Laird's advisors and retinue: Felver Golddust, chief cleric; Yohanna Snoon, illusionist; and Zancarin Pecklebeck, captain of the guard. The Larid spoke of the long history of the gnomes, their travels from the barren north, a life in the Barriers, work with the people of the Sheldomar and Bissel foremost. He asked of Brimble Knackles why he and his companions had brought such evil, the book, into his home. Brimble explained that they sought an artefact in Iggwilv's caverns with which to destroy the book. At this the Laird and his advisors had much to offer.
  Laird Gwaylar recounted the history of Iggwilv and Grazz't, their aeons long war and love. While many believe Iuz to be their son, there are those who doubt this. Perhaps as proof, the caverns are said to be the final resting place of Iggwilv's true love, her lone daughter, now the vampyre Drelnza. If the party must confront Iggwilv's spawn, the Laird foresees their final battle to be with Iuz himself in Dorakaa.   The gravity of their situation lessened somewhat with dinner in the gnome halls, curry, mint ale, harvest stew, fresh bread, and gobstoppers. While the party engaged with their gnome hosts, Brimble was a focus of attention and his Rock Gnome cousins querried him on life in the Bramblewood and the goings on in Bissel. This welcome respite was broken by screams from mines. Kruthics, subterranean chitin-covered reptiles had broken through the mines and attacked the gnomes. While a contingent of the little people defended one mining gallery, the party confronted the Kruthic lord and several of his brood in another. Fortunately all the bug-like creatures were destroyed.   A week was spent with the gnomes, resting and healing. During this time a gnome visitor from the Lortmils arrived, Fandle Penlock, debonair adventurer with fey leanings and a penchant for the elements. He regaled the party and the residents of Gnome Valley with his tales and his latest travellings along the the Deep Way (also known as theLow Road). Brimble, perhaps seeking the company of his kin, asked Fandle to join them on their quest. Penlock agreed and there was much rejoicing.
  Within days the party left for the caverns and spent a suprisingly uneventful few days of travel. As they entered a box canyon beneath the Horn of Iggwilv, and the entrance to the caverns, a man hailed them from the craggy rocks above. Lunder, for he was called, asked the companions for directions to Ket as he had lost his way. Before much conversation could proceed, however, Lunder and a band of strong goblins attacked from their elevated positions. Two ferocious Fomorians joined the battle as well, dealing crushing blows and the power of evil eyes, to Rivine in particular. As the battle ended, the fey giants lay dead, two goblins and the mysterious Lunder had escaped, and Jolee Bindo was afflicted by a blindness from Lunder's wicked spellcraft.   The caverns would have to wait, as the party made their way back to Gnome Valley.

Rewards Granted

2 x Formorian: 7800
5 x Goblin Boss: 1000
1 x Mysterious Lunder (driven off): 300
6 x Kruthic: 2700
1 x Kruthic Hive Lord: 1800
Laird and gnomes: 2000
  Total XP per PC: 3900

An audience with Laird Gwaylar

Report Date
05 Aug 2024
Primary Location

Jolee battles the mysterious Lunder and a goblin


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