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Session 59: Delving the Upper Caverns

General Summary

They were thwarted at the entrance to the caverns by Lunder and they turned back to Gnome Valley. Once there, Jolee Bindo was cured of the blindness visited upon him and the rest had a few days to recover and plan.   While at the warren there was gently ribbing of the party by their gnome hosts, notes of "quite the auspicious start!" and the like. At an audience with Laird Gwaylar and his advisors, the party described their travel to the caverns and encounter with the dark spellcaster. Gnome scouts has previously seen this person and noted that he had visited the Mad Hermit. Gwaylar suggested that the party might seek the Hermit's council about this person. Captain Pecklebeck warned that Lunder could be an agent of the The Old One. Perhaps Lunder's goal ws to steal the evil book for Iuz or find the artifact in the caverns sought by the party. Aftern murmurings of concern amongst the assembled gnomes, Laird Gwaylar blunted stated that the book cannot stay in Gnome Valley any longer than absolutely necessary for it brings great evil. It does seem as if the book calls to those who would destroy and wreak.   Within a day, the party set out again, travelling first to the Mad Hermit before again attempting the Caverns. Travel to the Hermit's cave-abode was uneventful and he welcomed the travelers. With tidings of good food from Rivine the Hermit opened up and revealed he had indeed met the unpleasant Lunder, a man whose accent revealed that he hailed from the east near the domain of Iuz,Furyondy, perhaps. Then the Hermit produced a note from his stained and tattered robe, a journal entry from Cavern delvers of ages past.   As the party was leaving, Mi'tsuru'gi looked up the mountain slope just as three leathery green gargoyles flew down upon them. The elemental creatures bit and clawed and gored, trying to capture the heroes and fly them away to certain death. But the well placed arrow shots, spells from Brimble Knackles and Fandle, axe strokes from the Barbarian and bo-staff work from the monk kept the party safe.   With some daylight left the party continued on the caverns, arriving late as they had to navigate a rockslide with the expert help of Fandle Penlock, their gnome companion from the Lortmills.   The first caves in the Caverns fo Tsojcanth had been well used. Broken bits of furniture, the remains of fires, and the midden of adventurers past was scattered about. Descending a long set of stairs the party came to cavern of exits and carved faces, each face next to an exit. The Faces all spoke magically that their way was false, save for one which stated it guarded the "right way". After much discussion the party took this exit from the cave.   The passage led them through a widening space with a ceiling covered by thousands of bats. Only careful footsteps and the gnomes using thier powers to 'speak with animals' did the party pass this area unscathed by the flying predators.   Continuing down the passage, a branch to the left led to a giant subterranean lake with a rivers of water streaming in and out, a barely visible ledge or beach around a far promotory, while the way straight continued to a wider hall lined with niches. Here the pary paused and were attacked by giant cockroach-creatures with sinous, long spiked tongues. These creatures scuttled along the walls and celing spiking the party with their mouth-parts, but were no match for such seasoned adventurers.   The heroes elected to continue down the corridor before spying upon the lake and its secrets. As the corridor came to an end, they encountered a side cavern and a pair of Fomorians enjoying dinner in their lair. A battle plain was laid.

Rewards Granted

Green Gargoyle x 3: 3300
Cave Fishers x 8: 4800
Speaking with the hermit (& offering food): 1000
Navigating the rockslide: 500
Solving the Speaking Faces cave: 500
Moving past the bats: 500
  XP per PC (with some assistance from Fandle): 2600

The heroes seek out the Mad Hermit

Report Date
11 Aug 2024
Primary Location


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