Jaque Laument

Jaque Laument (a.k.a. Scaley's Bastard)

A light-tan half-elf born into nobility, confident, well dressed, and clearly affluent. Seemingly reserved and well educated.

A Half-Elf, born into nobility.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan

Session 1

I write this journal as a way to keep my thoughts in order...for these times are confusing.  
  • I awoke in a castle's crypt, located in the southernmost peninsula of the continent. The castle is occupied by Orcs.
  • Three others awoke with me:
  • 1. Amara, the human. She seems educated, and has a noticeable accent. While reclusive, independent, and guarded, she is certainly capable. Afterall, she managed to climb that sheer tower wall when I failed. I'm interested in learning more of her. 2. Thoralf, another human. He seems the most lost out of all of us. He even gave away his giant heritage willingly...clearly he's not experienced in the nuances of social settings. I can't help but like him though, barbarians are always simple....and simple people are approachable. I do worry about his alignment in the war however. 3. "Buzzbee", a Tiefling. Like many of the beauties scattered across the land, this Buzzbee has made quite the...impression...Frankly, she irritates me. Secretive to a fault, I genuinely cannot trust her. Her guarded nature is unlike Amara's. It seems almost unnatural. All in all, I distrust her quite a bit.   As for the notable events of the day:  
  • We explored near the castle, and discovered any entry deeper into the castle was halted by a faulty elevator.
  • Near the castle grounds we ran into a wandering musician...curious but not uncommon... After he tried to peer into our minds, he relegated where on the continent we were. More importantly, or concerningly if you ask me, he explained that we (our merry band of three and Buzzbee) may have become Fateless.
  • When the group traveled north, we ran into an injured platoon of orcs. I was spotted and engaged their leader in conversation. The outcome? Well of course, I resolved any possible conflict easily. Talking down Orcs is nothing compared to smooth talking the Patriarch!
  • Ah. The Patriarch...I hope his wrath does not grow in my absence...   That's it for today's adventures.
    This article has no secrets.


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