Session 2: Goblins and Corpses

General Summary

The group comes across a stone giant in ruins, who seems to be meditating. Thoralf approaches. They have a conversation with the giant, who is peaceful, but doesn't have anything important to say. They move on.   They encounter a group of goblins. Opening with two firebolts at the Goblin Boss holding a glowing blue lantern, the party was quite surprised when both of them were deflected by their target. The goblins fired many arrows back, almost slaying Thoralf, who tried to pull the atention away from his teammates. After several dodges of arrows, Sassafraz broke out of her lantern with haste, and proceeded to land the first hit on the Boss, knocking out some of his teeth. This seemed to leave the Boss vulnerable, as the party was swiftly able to bring him down with arrows and spells alike, finishing him off with Thoralf's Zweihander, cleaving the goblin in two. After lots of difficulty and the release of Sassafraz, they beat the goblins and surround the newcomer.   They recognize Sassafraz as a fairy, and a Fateless. Agreeing to join the party, the go to loot the bodies. They notice in the water two bloated, dead humans. After pulling them out of the water with a lasso, Amara notices they were infected with a disease called "Blue Rot." (Blue rot has an article on its exact details.) To be safe, they attempt to burn the corpses with fire bolt. This does nothing but anger them, and the fight begins. They all focus the first Drowned Blade,  attempting to kill it as quick as possible. Thoralf dismembers the one to his right after going into a rage, but is knocked unconscious by the one in front of him. Jaque comes to stabilize his barbarian friend, and the rest of the party finish the Drowned Blades off, with Buzzbee freezing off body parts, Amara casting spells and launching bolts, and Sassafraz bare-kunckle boxing the undead opponents.   The session ended here.

Rewards Granted

Amara - 90 XP Buzzbee - 90 XP Jaque - 90 Sassafraz - 90 Thoralf - 90
Report Date
25 Mar 2024
Primary Location
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