Thrylnorn Butcher of Valinor

Thrylnorn Butcher of Valinor

Thrylnorn is one of the most famous Giants in all of the east, infamous among the West. A leader of Eastern armies, who's only strategy is brutality, Thrylnorn is respected in one way or another by all. In his early years, Thrylnorn earned this respected amogn the east after a duel with an Adult Red Dragon named Jevod, whom he tactly and swiftly decapitated, only after ripping off both of his wings. Since then, each and every beast of the east knew he was a force to be reckoned with, and would be beyond greatful if they were blessed with his presence in battle against the West.   In Anyimelle, Thrylnorn's appearance in battle spelt almost certain defeat, and would require hundreds of men at least to protect a city under seige of his wrath. For hundreds of years, Thrylnorn was though to be undefeated, until the year 4600. At this time, a champion of the West who has since disappeared, rose up against Thrylnorn's rage, weilding a blade that strike's fear into the souls of all beasts. A blade named Drallor's Grudge, after its wielder, would be unsheated before Thrylnorn in battle. No one could have imagined the strength behind the weapon, Thrylnonr's dominant hand was severed at the wrist, and a massive scar from his hip to his collar bone is still plainly visible today. Drallor left the battlefield after defeating Thrylnorn, and was never seen again.   Thrylnorn survived the encounter very narrowly, and has never fully recovered from his scars. Many applaud him for maintaining even as much as he had in the encounter, but he has since become scornful of such blind praise. A much more calmed, careful, and cunning leader now, Thrylnorn still lives in fear of this enemy. He knows he had no choice in his survival. He knows that Drallor let him live, and left without finishing him on purpose. To this day, the fact haunts stohim, as he expects one day Drallor shall return.   This fear remains inward, though, as the city of Valinor still heavily relies on his wisdom in war. So he continues to lead, though he fights much less. He practices wielding weapons with his left hand now, but he remains a shadow of his former self.   Decades later arounnd the year 4738, Thrylnorn found a helpess, abandoned child in the fields of Mathsaluma. His soldiers went to kill it without second thought, but Thrylnorn stepped in between. He was impressed the baby was able to survive any amount of time in the desert sweltering heat. He saw a fire within him that he had never seen on any Giant. He took the human home, and bestowed him to his wife Vizad back home. Though Thrylnorn would rarely be around to raise the child, he named him Thoralf Cinder, and promised not to let harm come to him.


Thrylnorn Butcher of Valinor


Towards Vizad of Bayside Kosset

Vizad of Bayside Kosset


Towards Thrylnorn Butcher of Valinor



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