Tok Tomaki

Tok Tomaki is a large arcology in an oasis in the middle of The Great Ramil. While Tok Tomaki will grant safe board to those in need, the true nature of the arcology is that of a renowned college of wizardry, probably the most respected one in all The Peninsula.


Tok Tomaki has remained a stallwart icon in The Great Ramill for millennia. It survived the Elemental War of 10005 b.g.t. The college endured the wrath of Expoga and her minions when the first Zocan Empire was annihilated. It has repelled countless undead from Grommodal and Barbarian incursions from Zowonidad.
No records exist of when the arcology was created or construction began. Some historians and sages have placed its creation at the time of The Great Awakening. Others believe that it was built shortly after that by miasmen or predicessors of the first Zocan Empire. The only date known for certain is it existed and was complete prior to 11005 b.g.t and the founding of the first Zocan Empire.


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