Hubem-How Tradition / Ritual in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Three cities, three discs. The first, Liste, of gold, shining and proud. The second, Lahun, of obsidian, hardened and strong. And the last, She'Ammut, of brimstone - Ever perched on the precipice.  
Hubem-How is a popular gambling game within Theligose. It dates to before The Rise of Man, and is known to have previously been played for far higher stakes than simply money.
The game is relatively simple to play - Each player receives three discs. One gold, one obsidian, and one brimstone. The first player to successfully land all three discs in a basket (usually suspended in midair via magic) wins.
The simplicity is complicated somewhat in more well-crafted sets. Besides the differing weights and shapes of the discs needing differing force to throw the correct distance, more complex sets of this game are often enchanted, causing the target to shrink, grow, or even move back and forth after certain combinations of discs have already been landed in the basket.


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