Reshef's Hand Organization in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Reshef's Hand

Named for its founder Reshef Abydos, Reshef's Hand is a guild of civic-minded individuals who help to keep the peace within the city of Liste.  The organisation asks little payment for its services, being funded by the ruling Council of Liste.  As such, any ordinary citizen can request aid with an issue that troubles them.


The organisation consists of three ranks - Dust, Glimmer and Star - which indicate the experience of an individual member and the type of task that they may be able to take on.     Those individuals who have reached the highest rank have an additional rank of one to five stars which denotes the most difficult job that they have completed.   Members identify themselves using the token they are given after completing their first task - a miniature wooden rod the length of a little finger, embossed with a cubit arm of bronze, silver or gold.


Unlike Imuet's Scales, which allows those with enough coin to make their problems disappear, members of Reshef's Hand are strictly forbidden from working to contracts.  Instead they complete tasks which are too mundane to trouble the city guard, asking only a token payment in return.  Higher-ranked members are skilled enough with a sword to defend themselves and others, sometime catching petty criminals, while those of the lower ranks complete such jobs as tracking down lost items or assisting the elderly and infirm.     In general the organisation does not turn away those in need, taking on almost anything which is asked of them as long it is within the law.  Nor do they turn down potential members, always willing to accept assistance from those who wish to help others.  Their only stipulation is that those who join must be of age.

Public Agenda

The organisation is well-regarded by the ruling Council of Liste, and is considered by House Abydos to be essential to the smooth functioning of the city as it provides a place for the common folk to go with minor troubles, helping to prevent civil unrest.


As Reshef's Hand is meant to be an almost charitable organisation that can solve problems faced by the Lowborn, the nobility would not be expected to have much business with them. However, in order to ensure that the organisation is not in any way embroiled in political dealings between nobility, the approach and contracting of Reshef's Hand members by nobility is strictly prohibited by Liste's city charter. This applies not just to direct requests, but also to requests made by proxy through servants or staff.
Ruling Organization


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