Spellbands Item in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Nobles always have some form of magic – always bought and paid for, of course, rather than acquired through rigorous study or anything resembling effort. - Hathor Mehet  
In a society like the Three Cities, magic is almost ubiquitous. It is, however, no easier to learn.   A trainee Binder can study for years before being able to invoke a single element, let alone do so to any useful end.   For those with sufficient means, however, a limited form of magic is well within their grasp.   "Spellband" is the common name for any form of jewellery - Most commonly rings, but bangles and necklaces are also popular - that contains within it a single simple magical effect, allowing even the most feeble-minded person to cast the spell it holds.   Whilst most are relatively benign - the ability to move small objects at a distance, for example, or the conjuration of small objects - some are occasionally imbued with offensive ability.   It is rare for a Noble to carry more than one offensive Spellband. They are, even for the wealthiest families, incredibly expensive. And after all, how many potentially lethal means of self defence does a person need?   Ownership of a Spellband does not make someone a threat to a trained Binder. On the rare occasion that a young, headstrong nobleman has become overconfident in their abilities and attempted to duel one, fancying themselves a "master of the arcane" on account of their trinkets, the result has been embarrassing at best.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A Spellband is imbued with the imprint of a simple incantation - Essentially, they do the heavy lifting for the would-be caster, needing only to be supplied with the will necessary to make it happen.

Manufacturing process

The ring itself can be created by mundane means as long as the construction is of sufficient quality - usually by a jeweller or other such craftsman.   Once the ring is made, the spell required can be imbued by a Binder of sufficient skill. This can take anywhere from an hour to a day, depending on the proficiency of the Binder in question.
Item type
Relatively common amongst the nobility of the Three Cities.
Raw materials & Components
Usually gold or silver bands, and a single gemstone to hold the incantation.


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