The Order of Binders Organization in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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The Order of Binders


The Binders have seen the effect of otherworldly influence on the minds of men, and are pledged to limit it as much as possible.
They have little to no patience for bargaining, argumentation or pleas. Their duty to the world comes above all other considerations.

Public Agenda

To eliminate the influence of extraplanar entities, and keep the seal on their realm held fast.


Large swathes of multiple cities throughout Theligose


Founded in the aftermath of The Rise of Man , the Order of Binders was initially conceived as a military force to beat back the tides of Hell. Whilst they have since become far more academic in nature, their militaristic origins inform many of their cultural values and attitudes.

By Their Own Strength Restrained

Education, Magic
Alternative Names
The Binders, Gaolers
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items

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