Supra'Sha Ethnicity in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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"You see, the Hells have vanity. They'll present as they want to be seen, and they want to be seen as attractive. The Heavens have no such compunction - they're all function, no form. That being the case, I suppose we should be grateful that Supra'Sha have the standard issue number of limbs and can be reliably looked upon without causing blindness."   - Master Apep Manseur, regarding Supra'Sha   Just as Hell's past influence on the land and its people can be seen in the Infra'Sha, Heaven's can be seen in the Supra'Sha.   In contrast to their infernal cousins, a Supra'Sha's long-removed angelic heritage is not immediately obvious at first glance. The influence of the Heavens is seen in subtle ways - perhaps a golden shimmer to their hair, or a small hint of ringing bells in their laughter.   Much the same as with Infra'Sha, their heritage is neither a boon nor a burden to them - they are not considered "lesser" on account of their ancestry.
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