The Voiceless Organization in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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The Voiceless

Outcasts, runaways, thieves and murderers, the lot of them. We're fortunate that their numbers are so few and their strategies so ineffective. Hells forfend, if they were allowed to be in charge, it would be mere days until they lost control and the Hells flooded our world again. - Ptahmose Heqa-Ma'at, on The Voiceless.
The Voiceless are often characterised by those within the Three Cities as common bandits - The type of generic threat that you could expect to encounter when traversing The Red Sands.   Whilst they do perform acts of banditry, the truth is slightly more complex. The Voiceless are composed mainly of outcast members of the Three City's servant class - Those with no purpose, and nowhere to go.   The Voiceless give them both a purpose, and a means of survival.


A loose, decentralized structure of individual warlords and cells underneath them.


The Voiceless believe that magic is an abomination that must be purged, and are strongly against the concept of Nobility in general.   They would rather see the Three Cities become a free and equal egalitarian society, and view its current political system as oppressive.

Public Agenda

To destroy any knowledge of magic among the living, and replace the current semi-feudal system with a "more equal" society.

Not In My Name

Illicit, Rebel


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