The 12 Archfiends each have a Realm that is an extension of their power. Their efforts largely go towards countering any attempts made by the Aetherial Gods to intervene in the world.
Zulex Vlaston, who's sphere is Control, a king wrapped in a red cloak, the fiend of Stasis in the Gatehouse
Dispater, who's sphere is the Misguided, a shriveled horned shepard, the fiend of Chaos in the Endless Tangle
Belial, who's sphere is Secrets, a horned human covered in various straps and buckles, the fiend of Darkness in Mutiny
Gargauth, who's sphere is Ignorance, a creature of many swirling wings, the fiend of Light in Dementia
Zeon, who's sphere is War, an ancient evil in the form of a lich the fiend of Death in the No Mans Land
Mephistopheles, who's sphere is Progress, a goat man wearing finery, the fiend of Life in the Industrial Towers
Zariel, who's sphere is Pain, a demon of firey wings and a lava whip, the fiend of Fire in the Flame Pits
Vile, who's sphere is Wishes, a small goblinoid devil, the fiend of Water in the Infinite Emporium
Baalzeul, who's sphere is Gluttony with bug wings and covered in eyeballs, the fiend of Earth in the Dustfields
Levistus, who's sphere is Slavery, who takes the form of a well off unassuming Asir man, the fiend of Air in the Mine
Malak, who's sphere is Pollution, the fiend made of rotting holes, the fiend of Wood in the Vents
Lachance, who's sphere is Vanity, the grey man with metal horns, the fiend of Metal in the Mirrorplane