Genius Loci

A genius loci is difficult to spot, since it looks like any other section of landscape. A genius loci itself has no intelligence, but rather “emulates” the sentience of any creature it currently enslaves, if any. Each genius loci has only a single enslaved creature at one time, though other creatures may also inhabit the surface of the genius loci. Any creature entering a genius loci who is especially attuned with magic or nature may realize that something is amiss, though it is difficult to tell exactly what. Genius loci do not speak directly, though they may do so through their currently enslaved thrall.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

They are immune to whatever elements they represent predominantly in their area of control (usually Earth and Metal) and weak to elements accordingly.   A Genius Loci can only be harmed by directly attacking its spirit which is immune to the mundane unless it is in a host body
The leftover destructive magic from large battles between the Ancient Elves and Ancient Dragons‌ was imbued in the land itself and created the Genius Loci.


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