
From The Leviathan , Mature at 15, Life Expectancy 80
  These were originally a group of Aldasan Human explorers from Loredas who's ship was destroyed by the Leviathan. They devoted their lives to it in exchange for survival and it changed them to a form more suited to its uses. Fins, gills, and seel-like skin were all changes made to them


Culture and cultural heritage

Their culture and community is built on the back of the Water Gigas, the Leviathin. They view the gigas as their god and devote their lives in service to it.

Shared customary codes and values

They all assist the Leviathin, cleaning pests off its body and keeping away any stubborn creatures

Common Etiquette rules

They are polite to outsiders but insistent on not allowing anything that could be percieved as a danger. They in turn demand respect from visitors

Funerary and Memorial customs

Deceased merfolk are fed to the Leviathin
Water breathing, swimming proficiency
Parent ethnicities
Related Locations


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