Rabbitfolk Ethnicity in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil


From The Coil, Mature at 5, Life Expectancy 40
  The rabbitfolk are a "live fast die hard" race. With a shorter life expectancy compared to most other sapient races and a generally smaller frame than many others, they find themselves often at the lower end of the social hierarchy in the chaotic place that is The Coil.


Shared customary codes and values

With a shorter lifespan, rabbitfolk often want to use their time to make a mark on the world. They are often happy to take risks, assisted by their naturally quick healing.


Courtship Ideals

With a population constantly in flux, it is expected for many rabbitfolk to have many children quickly to keep their population full and strong. Standards for mates are generally low as culturally, having a brood is seen as simply means to an end.
Bounce back stunt, minimum 1 roll on athletics


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