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Session 16: Tea with Vazaraj

24th of Snowmelt

General Summary

After another long day and morning, the LUKI Four finally catches a break when they visit Vazaraj for some tasty tea in an attempt to get some answers for the many questions that have been plaguing them for the past few weeks. However, in order to get this information, Vazaraj demands two things. Firstly, he temporarily removes the patron that has been giving powers to Indra, stating that he despises eavesdroppers. Secondly, he requires two members of the party to sign a contract, which ensures that he gets access to all their memories from this point onward after they die, such that he can add the knowledge the party has accumulated during adventuring to the Tower Scholars. Despite Killian immediately volunteering, the rest of the party is much more apprehensive. Eventually, after much discussion within the group, Indra also agrees when Vazeraj decides to reduce the terms to only the memories the party accumulates during their adventuring days. They both sign a binding contract with devil's blood, and with that, the questioning can formally start.   One by one, the members of the LUKI Four ask Vazeraj questions. They ask about Cerval, the Feaster, the animal-like creatures they have fought so far, Knuc, and much more. Some topics result in a detailed answer, such as the clarification that the red crows the party have been encountering are actually different creatures, all controlled by one creature who gets its power from the watcher of Vengeance and lives near Mor Khorok. After asking about the black ink from the mural, Vazeraj informs them that it seems to be a slightly magical substance which takes on the form of creatures it has come into contact with before. The party also learns that Knuc is presumably still alive, as Vazeraj also has a deal with Knuc about retreiving his memories when he dies, but he has yet to receive them. Other topics are less succesful, as Vazeraj knows nothing about the new dimension the party had just visited this morning, and he knowns next-to-nothing about Cerval. Eventually, the party runs out of questions, but not before Uthal borrows a mace that hopefully gives them a better chance against the wanna-be lich Cerval. Finally, Vazeraj mentions that he now has an increased interest in the survival of the party, and thus he gives them an oil lamp and tells them to go and find a creature known as "The Candlekeeper" somewhere in The Barrows area of the Xayamid Empire. This creature supposidly has some kind of powers over life and and death, and looks like a huncbacked fisherman in and underground lake surrounded by candles.   The party leaves Vazeraj, and decides that a bit of a shopping spree to prepare for their immenent confrontation with Cerval is in order. They visit the "Magic Abracapothicary", where they meet Imaris Barlow, a rather excentric Elf who creates all types of powerful (and expensive) magical items. Nevertheless, Uthal buys some Night Vision Goggles, and Killian buys a rose that actively reflects the mood of those arround it. The party also heads over to Amy's Amazing Potions, a new potion shop that has recently opened in town. Here, they meet the bubbly scatterbrain Amy Dusttoe, and buy plenty healing potions in addition to a Tongue Twisting Potion for Killian (which boosts ones ability to persuade and deceive.) The day concludes with a short visit to the Bloated Bounty, where the party collects their 150 gold pieces each for their troubles with Brother Bladd. Thus, concludes a relatively relaxed afternoon and evening for the adventuring party. Tomorrow, new adventures await!   Next session: Session 17: Pinky promise!
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With:
Vazeraj, Arch Scholar of Mysteries
Imaris Barlow, owner of the Abracapothicary
Amy Dustoe, owner of Amy's Amazing Potions
Ozemnos, bodyguard of Rajiv
Report Date
09 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Imaris Barlow


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