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Session 22: Scouting in Spores

33rd of Snowmelt

General Summary

The LUKI Four, accompanied by the rest of the expedition crew, start their battle against the two Dwarven statues. Some quick thinking on by Uthal roots the statues in place, and the continued onslaught of fire from Killian and Vorfan makes quick work of the statues. Though Uthal does go down during the fight, Leaf quickly heals the party and they are good to go. Indra decides to send a shadow creature that she summoned during the fight through the portal to scout, but the party quickly notices that Indra is not really 'there'. Though Indra eventually snaps out of it, the party has started to pick upon the strange behavior of Indra around fights, noticing she often does not recall (all of) the fight. However, as the party seems to be unable to get to the bottom of it, they instead focus on the mission ahead.
  Eventually, the shadow spirit returns with a bone bear trap enclosed around its arms. Slightly worried, Uthal sends a familiar into the mushroom-covered landscape, and by hugging the wall of the cavern finds a river. Kithalme and the party have a short conversation where they discuss how to tackle the exploration of Am Galar. It is decided that the party will head out, and will scout for six hours. After six hours, Kithalme will open the gate again, and leave it open for three hours, giving the party a time window to return to the ruins beneath Idirianoc. Should they not make it, the expedition will look into a way to get the party back at a later time.
  The party heads out through the portal, and arrives in the sea of spores. They follow the wall towards the river, and decide to follow the river for a while into the mushroom farms. The party takes this time to investigate some of the mushrooms, and discovers that there is a wide range of variants of the same edible mushroom, some toxic, some enormous and some just regular. The party also discovers some rust-colored eggs which seem to have tiny insects in them, but decide to leave them be as they pose no noticeable threat.
  The party follows the river to a giant mushroom, where Killian gets stuck in one of the bone like bear traps. It is around this time that the entire party starts hearing a heartbeat sound from every direction. Killian decides to send a message into the omnipresent sound asking if it can hear him. It responds with a ‘When will they ever learn?’ as the heartbeat sound starts getting louder. Around this time, Indra’s patron tells the party to run for their lives and identifies the creature that is causing the heartbeat as a ‘Celestial Assassin’. The party starts to run clinging to the river, until they eventually find a bridge with some dead Gnolls and a resource silo. The party identifies the Gnolls as those who made the traps, and quickly hides inside the silo. It is around this time that Indra starts emanating a black protective dome around the party which seems to drown out the heartbeat sound. As the party hides in the resource silo, they use it to get a visual on the surrounding area, but are interrupted by another group of Gnolls that walk across the bridge. The Gnolls look over the bodies of their fallen kin, but are shortly thereafter killed by a fast projectile with deadly precision from beyond the mist of fungal spores. Now the party must make the difficult decision between hiding and reaching their escape destination in time!   Next session: Session 23 - Hunted and Hiding
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With:
Kithalme of the Tower Scholars of Mysteries
Igni, Fire Genasi Fighter in the Am Galar Expedition
Vorfan, Gnome Wizard in the Am Galar Expedition
Banroe, Gnome Wizard in the Am Galar Expedition
Horthrum God'gadar, Dwarven Ranger in the Am Galar Expedition
Report Date
04 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Vorfan & Banroe


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