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Session 24: Rusty Tunnels

34th of Snowmelt

General Summary

As the sounds of many insectoid legs approaching alarms the epxedition crew, they prepare for combat. Igni and Uthal take a frontline position, as the rest prepare to unleash hell upon the waves of Rust Monsters. The first wave is dispatched quickly, being comprised of mostly small creatures. The second wave consists of a few acid spitters, which have a belly full of acid that they can shoot at its opponents. Luckily, Killian manages to hit them with some severe fire damage, which causes a chain reaction of exploding acid. This prompts the Rust Monsters to change tactics, and they suddenly appear out of the walls of the abandoned Gnoll Settlement that the party was attacking from. Though the party is slightly suprised by the magic reducing effect of the Glimmerscale, they eventually overcome even the larger Jaw Crusher variants and defeat the onslaught of metallic creatures.   After some quick discussion, the party realizes that the Rust Monsters hunt by scent, and disguieses themselves using the scent neutralizing potion that they had bought in Brothers' Crossing. As an extra precaution, Uthal and Igni cover their metal parts in the skin of Rust Monsters, as the Rust Monsters seem unwilling to attack each other despite being made of metal themselves. As the party continues their journey towards the 'Jaw of the Tunnels', they pass some daimonds guarded by Earth Elementals, and quickly decide that these are not worth the trouble just yet. but ight be interesting on the way back. They also pass an old mining outpost, in which they find a few old documents, such as a report on Earth Elemental activity and a map of the local mining region.   Eventually, the party arives at a large opening in the tunnels which has a giant hole in the center. This room is covered in Rust Monsters, and the pit seems to be filled with their food waste and excrement. In the distance, the party yet again sees something shiny, though unlike the daimonds this shine reminds them of the earlier glimmerscale. As the party carefully navigates the room with the giant hole, Leaf starts hearing a very faint heartbeat. When the party arrives at the room with the shining material, the party spots a giant rotund Rust Monster on top of a pile of magic metals. As the creature is clearly noticing them, Leaf mentions to the group that they might not have a lot of time as the Celestial Assassin is approaching. After the party explains their last interaction with the Assassin, Horthum declares that they 'better get to it' then, and draws his crossbow. He pronounces that the other group will try to keep as many Rust Monsters away form the party, while the party tries to defeat the Jaw of the Tunnels, before firing his crossbow at one of the creatures. Will the party be able to defeat the Jaw of the Tunnels before the herald of the purple omen finds them again.
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With:
Igni, Fire Genasi Fighter in the Am Galar Expedition
Vorfan, Gnome Wizard in the Am Galar Expedition
Banroe, Gnome Wizard in the Am Galar Expedition
Horthrum God'gadar, Dwarven Ranger in the Am Galar Expedition
Report Date
17 Aug 2024
Primary Location


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