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The Throneholders

In the darkest days of the Last War, the Church of the Silver Flame rose to power following a people’s revolt against the monarchy. Several corrupt and minor nobles were driven into exile, and Prince Daslin ir’Wynarn retreated to Silvercliff Castle. The events that led to this transition of power have been analyzed countless times since then, and many question the legitimacy of what occurred. The horrific events of the Last War, particularly the annihilation of Shadukar, unhinged many citizens. They lost faith in the crown. No longer were they willing to place their fate in the hands of mortal men and women, yet critics of the government insist that the clerics, paladins, and priests who now serve the Silver Flame are as fallible as the nobles who ruled before them. Now that the war is over and the worst troubles have passed, they say, it is time for the descendants of Galifar to return to the throne. The Galifar Loyalists (referred to colloquially as “Throneholders”) believe that Queen Diani ir’Wynarn should lead Thrane into the next century. Many of these loyalists are wealthy nobles whose families have served the Wynarn line for generations, and they trust that Diani will reward their loyalty and support them when she returns to power.   In Flamekeep, displays of royal fealty become more subtle and secretive. Lesser nobles hesitate to incurthe wrath of the theocrats. However, a scattered band of societies throughout Thrane do more than simply revere their would-be queen. They hold festivals and gatherings for events the nobility supported in years past. Others are willing to extend their loyalty to the nobility to outright subterfuge, espionage, or political opposition of the theocracy. The proponents of monarchy gather all the information they can of the theocracy’s failings, disseminating their critical tracts to all who would (or can) read them. A few know that they cannot tear down a government overnight, so they focus their tirades against a select few theocrats regarded as corrupt or dangerous. The most secretive loyalists form cabals to actually assassinate or eliminate enemies of the nobility, although they typically act independently of any noble.   On rare occasions, a noble in exile has used his family’s wealth or connections to fund a group of villains who would tear down theocrats in his former domain. Such scandals, when exposed, vilify all Throne holders. Adventurers on either side of the conflict should choose their allegiances wisely, since failure can have consequences far beyond the punishments meted by a vengeful theocracy.
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