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In The Bright Moonlight

The party have learned about Shifters dissapearing within Aruldusk, having seen first hand the treatment of the Shifters, Jaela refuses to go any further without the party helping her look into why.   Resolution   After a long period of investigation, research and trudging through muddy sewers the party were able to confirm that the ir'Luca family, a rich and powerful Thranish family that was once nobility under the old rule were behind the kidnappings. The family seemed to be working with a number of groups, from the The Throneholders to the Lord of Blades and even one of the Shifter Nomads. Their plan it seems was using their wealth and vast resources raise tensions in the city of Aruldusk to a breaking point by hiring of the Shifters to kidnap known members of the Nomads and leave evidence to blame it on the city Templars.   At the same time they had kidnapped the daughter of Prefect Dominic, the head of the guard in Aruldusk in order to keep him quiet and prevent and real investigation from the Templars, which only further led to distrust and anger from both parties. This rising anger could be used for any number of reasons politically, the party had not yet been able to slot that piece of the puzzle into place. What they had discovered however was that the bodies of the shifters were being given to one Quaz a wizard from Aundair who seem to be working on replicating the now almost extinct curse of Lycanthropy and was willing to do anything to achieve it and that a group of Warforged, sent by the Lord of Blades were meant to attack the city, however were convinced otherwise.   Other Information learnt:
  • The Ir'Luca family had received visits from multiple Prefects in the last few months
  • Both High Cardinal Krozen and Prefect Oas had visited the city recently 
  • Five Silver Marauders had been ordered by unknown parties (Suspected to be either Prefect Oas or High Cardinal Krozen)
  • The Ir'Luca family had been receiving letters from a suspicious individual, the letters had been sent using the Arcane and were heavily encoded
  • Someone with immense power had ordered a full lockdown of Aruldusk the moment the party were able to leave the city, as well as planning an attack on them. The orders had supposedly come from Flamekeep
  • Cardinal Requiem had sent a group of heavily armed soldiers to attack the party and recover Jaela Daran, although it is unknown if they knew who their targets really were

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