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City of Chaosia

The city of Chaosia is a safe haven for nearly 90,000 humanoids, many of which are limbodians who essentially died on the Material Plane and were rematerialized on the Limbo Plane. Rocky mountains surround the city, which protects the people by means of a power plant called, The Veil. A magical veil of protection casts over the city 10,000-feet high as one massive sphere keeping the people safe from harm; falling debris, chaotic storms, and hostile inhabitants.   The city's primary capitalization is a material called, chaotic ore. This ore fuels the magical veil that protects the city. Chaotic ore can be mined within the city in a place called, Stonepick Mine. The mine was inherited by a limbo orc named, Drusilla Stonepick, and has been in the Stonepick family for generations, though there has been suspicion under the sudden death of Drusilla's grandfather, Horvin Stonepick. Since Drusilla capitalizes on the city's main source of survival, she is considered to be untouchable, even by means of the military.   For as long as records have shown, the city of Chaosia has been governed by a military dictatorship - a form of government wherein the political power resides with the military; it is similar but not identical to a stratocracy, a state ruled directly by the military. The existing leader is General Nero, and he has been in command for over a decade, stationed at The Garrison. General Nero favours The Citadel over The Commons, so nearly a decade ago he had this wall built to separate the two locations within the city of Chaosia. Crime is rarely heard of within The Citadel, due to General Nero's strict laws which have coined the name, Nero's Laws.   Nero's Laws are a list of mandates that came into effect when General Nero gained command. The laws are quite strict but have proven to reduce crime substantially. However, the reduction in crime has only decreased within The Citadel, whereas citizens who reside in The Commons struggle each day to survive. Nero's solution to reduce crime was to build a wall, which is called The Citadel.   The Citadel is a 100-foot thick stone wall that surrounds the centre of the city, but serves as a division to deter crime from the privileged. Unfortunately, the people who reside within The Commons are often left to fend for themselves and the only help offered by the military is patrolling city guards, who have earned a reputation of being corrupt.   The Primordial Chunk lacks the nutrients to support new growth due to its dried-out soil and rocky foundation. Soil is provided by junkers who collect random debris that arrive through portals and float into The Limbo Plane, but only the privileged can afford such luxuries. As a result, innovative measures were taken to have those of magic be trained at the College of Wildmagic to learn how to conjure food and water, as well as the ability to mould the ground to support treated soils.   Most of the city's structures are made from stone material that is extracted from The Primordial Chunk. Stone builders use a spell called Stone Shape to design structures using purely magic. Most manual labour jobs have been replaced by magic users, which makes the College of Wildmagic a crucial component to the success of Chaosia.

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