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A Dragon's Debt

General Summary

We begin this chapter with our heroes still reeling from there encounter with the young adult green dragon Venomfang. While sharing their morning meal, the sending stone Quinn Bloodscale had been “gifted” vibrated with a tone reminiscent of a .midi file macarena, bringing with it, traumatic memories of an alternate universe life. With as much indignation as she could muster Quinn Bloodscale begrudgingly answered the stone as one might with a one-time lover they no longer wanted to acknowledge. Venomfang, as assuredly arrogant as ever forecast the arrival of Dave, one of the newly “recruited” dragon thralls. Young David had brought gifts, a shiny green scale for each of the adventurer’s that carried with it the acrid smell of something that would be found in an alchemical lab. At Venomfang’s behest, the adventurers each reluctantly placed a scale in hand. Perhaps knowing better but seeing little other option our adventurers were still disappointed when the scales burned their way into their flesh, giving everybody a body modification none of them wanted. This is except for Quinn Bloodscale who was able to reject the scale, perhaps with some inner force that would not accept another’s presence. She discreetly pocketed the remaining scale. Venomfang now satisfied with Dragon Scale GPSTM left our adventurers to go forth and bring him riches.   Accepting their current situation and seeking to head out to Cragmaw Castle the adventurers came upon Reidoth the Druid who was all too keen to see their palms. Seeing this new development prompted him to reveal his own scaly palm, except his had evidence of scarring and burns owing to times where he had dared to oppose Venomfang’s will. Our adventurers were hurt at this deception but Reidoth the Druid seemed genuine in his hope that they would overcome Venomfang and free them all from his thrall. Before leaving Thundertreethey searched the surrounding ruins coming across a paediatric ash zombie that was shown no more mercy by Raster’s bite. At least Keith McCraggins found a shiny new dagger out of the uncomfortable encounter.   Our heroes had decided to take the most direct route to Cragmaw Castle, deep in the Neverwinter Woods. On the way Quinn Bloodscale sensed the presence of dragon overhead, what looked like White Dragon, possibly the same one that had injured the Manticore they thought to themselves. Upon seeing the first of Cragmaw Castle’s ruined towers in the distance our adventurers needed to come up with a plan to assault the fortress. Keith McCraggins, uncharacteristically, had the clever idea to use his shamanic wolf powers to communicate with Raster and share his senses for the next hour while sending Raster to reunite with his former masters. What proceeded was an increasingly uncomfortable ritual involving Keith McCraggins syncing up with wolf behaviour, barking loudly and what he later assured the rest of the party was full consent from Raster and worryingly his new master Lo-Kag Kalathai to “touch” the “willing” beast. With the excessive ritual complete, Raster returned to Cragmaw Castle, revealing a heavily fortified front entrance and kitchen full of goblins headed by an obese cook named Yegg. That was all the information available at that time given the doggo was treated to a good meal in the kitchens.   Upon waking Keith McCraggins panicked that he was drowning in a pile of leaves, inflicted upon him by Quinn Bloodscale, that led to great unarmed trauma befalling Alistair DütcHoven’s genitals, who was only trying to help. With Alistair DütcHoven violently vomiting on the ground, Keith McCraggins relayed his findings and the party decided to keep watch in single shifts overnight and attack at dawn. The night was blessedly uneventful even allowing Alistair DütcHoven to compose a Haiku reflecting on the moon:  
The Moon 
Hanging in the sky,
Like a candle in the sky,
But no twinkle here.
  A curious diddy, perhaps it was inspired by a common children’s lullaby from another world, who can say.   With Keith McCraggins came the final watch where he heard a Hobgoblin patrol. Waking the rest of the party, Quinn Bloodscale was able to use her mage hand to set up and ambush and split the patrol. They made quick work of the patrol and interrogated the leader Targor Bloodsword who informed them of a southern entrance and to avoid a trap in the front. Once again, the interrogation took a weird turn at Lo-Kag Kalathai’s insistence that he be left alone with the prisoner to gag him by “putting something large in his mouth”. Perhaps this was a part of Goliath tradition with defeated foes? Nonetheless, it was at this point the rest of the party solemnly vowed they would never leave a prisoner alone with him. They left him alive but unconscious (and ungagged) in the surrounding forest. After realising that the southern door would take a really loud effort to get through, Quinn Bloodscale scouted around the rest of the keep finding an entrance to the north.   After some exploring, our adventurers came upon two entrances to the Northeast tower where they believed King Grol, the leader of the Cragmaw, to be. After much preparation, planning and prayer they set up to a pincer move with Keith McCraggins athletically scaling the rubble outside while Lo-Kag Kalathai heroically bashed through an adjoining door….only for both to end up in slightly smaller areas with more doors. Before setting up to perform the same manoeuvre again, Alistair DütcHoven and Quinn Bloodscale noticed a loose canvas barrier down the corridor with footsteps and voices beyond. Seizing the initiative, they unleashed a hellish dual gout of flame that incinerated the drape and room beyond, leaving the charred corpses of two unfortunate hobgoblin guards. At the reset, both Keith McCraggins and Lo-Kag Kalathai charged with all their might, only to fail to break either door. This prompted King Grol to demand to know who was knocking at the door. In an amazing thespian feat, Quinn Bloodscale impersonated Droop with the assistance of Droop long enough for the pincer move to try a 3rd time.   Battle was beset with Lo-Kag Kalathai engaging both King Grol and his wolf Snarl with all the valiance of a mountain. Alistair DütcHoven, thinking himself clever, sought to cast a silence spell to neuter Larno Albrek’s spellcasting ability. He was no match for the more experienced spell caster who was able to counter-spell his effort to oblivion. Seizing on this opportunity Quinn Bloodscale was able to enchant and distracted Larno Albrek to sleep. With the wizard incapacitated, Keith McCraggins and Lo-Kag Kalathai continued to duel King Grol and Snarl. Their combined might backed by divine and sorcerous magic was too much for the so-called Cragmaw Tribe  King and his pet. Quinn Bloodscale finished both in another gout of hellish flame.   Quinn Bloodscale hastily secured the map while Alistair DütcHoven held fast onto Larno Albrek’s Glass-staff. Gundren Rockseeker was attended to in the corner, with the party judging his GCS to be around 11. The interrogation of Larno Albrek commenced with the wizard proving a slimy and evasive prisoner. He professed that he is only carrying out his mission to find Wave Echo Cave cave for the The Lords' Alliance. In doing so he needed to take over the Redbrand Ruffians to prove himself to The Black Spider, a Drow, who himself has larger, looming sinister plans. Larno Albrek warns that he is due to deliver the map to The Black Spider soon presenting a tantalising dilemma for our adventurers. Here we leave them to ponder their next move. Will they slaughter the rest of The Cragmaw Tribe goblins? will they be reunited with Raster? Will they leave Lo-Kag Kalathai with Larno Albrek as he is once again insisting that he be gagged? Probably not, but to find out you will need to tune in next time to THE LOST DRAGONS OF PHANDELVER.

Missions/Quests Completed

"Meet me in Phandalin" Gundren Rockseeker hired you to escort a wagon to Phandalin. Gundren Rockseeker has been abducted by The Cragmaw Tribe and sent to Cragmaw Castle under the instructions of The Black Spider. Gundren Rockseeker is believed one of the few individuals to know the location of the cave of the Phandelver Pact (Wave Echo Cave). The 'Ardboys now know the location of Cragmaw Castle thanks to Reidoth the Druid. They were able to save Gundren Rockseeker from hands of King Grol and Larno Albrek.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

"Glasstaff's Gamit" Having temporarily captured Larno Albrek and taking possession of his "Glass staff". The 'Ardbys learnt that he purportedly is still working for The Lords' Alliance deep undercover. He also revealed The Black Spider as a Drow elf, who was periously close to accessing Wave Echo Cave.
Report Date
25 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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