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Quest Log: ACT I

The adventures of the 'Ardboys



Major Quests

  "Wave Echo Cave" The location of The Spell Forge and the riches of the Phandelver empire, an alliance of Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves and Humans. Its precise location was lost to history. However, Quinn Bloodscale has seen and memorised a map written by Gundren Rockseeker and his brothers detailing directions. Gundren Rockseeker is also believed to have visited the cave. It would appear multiple groups are interested in the contents of Wave Echo Cave with Larno Albrek claiming The Black Spider has almost found it and both Sildar Hallwinter and Halia Thornton aware of its existance.   "Storms over Neverwinter Wood" A strange, unnatural, arcane storm erupted somewhere near the centre of Neverwinter Woods and mysteriously dissipated as quickly as it appeared. Other storms have appeared in Dreams, Reports from Thorne and more recently with the appearance of Gorthok the Thunder Boar at the Loggers' Camp .   "Something in the sky" The 'Ardboys saw a large winged creature in the skies over The Sword Mountains behind Phandalin. It seems a Dragon has come and is displacing the normal inhabitants of the mountains and threatening settled areas. The 'Ardboys have twice now been in close proximity to the beast, once with a warning for Venomfang. They learned its name Cryovain from a half thawed orc in front of Axeholm.   "Venomfang's Thrall" The 'Ardboys encountered the young adult green Dragon Venomfang in the ruins of Thundertree. Hopelessly outmatched our heroes bargained for their lives, pledging to provide Venomfang with treasures, influential servants and to come when he calls via the sending stone. Three of the four 'Ardboys have been marked with a single Venomfang scale in the palm of their hand. The Dragon showed a great deal of interest in an "item of great power" the 'Ardboys encountered in Axeholm. It is unclear what grand schemes Venomfang has planned.

Minor Quests

  "Party in the Woods" A Chance meeting with Odiri the halfling Postmaster, and occasional dealer, informed the 'Ardboys that a Bachelor party was taking place at Flacon's Hunting Lodge in the heart of Neverwinter Woods. A Luxury retreat for the wealthier members of Neverwinter.   "Abyssal Blade" In the abandoned dwarven fortress of Axeholm the 'Ardboys retrieved an axe from the remains of Zul Dratch inscribed with abyssal runes heralding "The Prince of Undeath". the word Oooooorcussssss hung softly on the air. Keith McCraggins was the only member of the party to touch the object which is now stored within Alistair DütcHoven's T.E.A.bag.   "Brughor Ukrypt Orcs" Having witnessed orcs in Neverwinter Woods, Axeholm and Gnomengard the 'Ardboys have learnt they are lead by Brughor Axe-biter a unsavory Cheiftan with an eagerness for violence. Keith McCraggins and Brughor Axe-biter exchanged words and blades in the misty pools of Gnomengard.  
  • "Hot pursuit" Brughor Axe-biter's body has gone missing during the victorious revelry of the 'Ardboys and the peoples of Gnomengard. Large boar prints led away from the stream in which he "died". They have led the 'Ardboys towards the Northeast and through a mountain pass known to them as "Ruckle's Stone Garden".
"Mountain's F***ing Toe Gold Mine" Having thought their quest complete Ruckle mentioned the mine was just beyond his stone garden. Those who mined there were welcome as long as they did not dig too deep or too greedily. Last the 'Ardboys heard Don-Jon Raskin had enlisted the help of the The Stone-cold Reavers to investigate the drop in mine productivity for his employers in Neverwinter.


    "The Sacrifice of Innocence" The Cragmaw Tribe attacked the Hamlet of Evermist, abducting Remi Stryker and burning down the local inn. At the request of Thorne, the local garrison commander, the party set out to save her. They pursued the attackers under the light of a blood moon eclipse into the edge of Neverwinter Woods and to the entrance of an ancient Elven Tomb. Within the Tomb, the party thwarted the Hobgoblin Surgok and the maniacal Lhupo who sort to sacrifice Remi Stryker to Maglubiyet. Thereby rescuing her from certain death.   "Umbrage Hill" Harbin Wester asked the 'Ardboys to fetch the local midwife Adabra Gwynn and bring her back to town. After making a deal with a Manticore the 'Ardboys were able to convince Adabra Gwynn to temporarily return to town with them. Much to Harbin Wester's excitement.   "Body in the hay" The 'Ardboys found the body of one of the Redbrand Ruffians murdered behind the Stonehill Inn. Toblin Stonehill wants nothing to do with it and has asked the party to report the killing to the town master. Harbin Wester "dealt with the body". The 'Ardboys found it in Nothic's cleft in the Redbrand Hideout.   "Quelline Alderleaf" The 'Ardboys found Qelline Alderleaf in the Redbrand Hideout with her son Cob. Not wanting to risk escaping herself she awaits the groups return. Upon rescuing her she told them that an old acquaintance of hers, Reidoth the Druid might be able to help them find what they are looking for.   "Recovered Goods" The 'Ardboys found some goods bound for the Lionsheild Coster in the Cragmaw Hideout. They informed Linene Graywind of the whereabouts of the goods but neglected to inform her that they had sent a Manticore to take up residence in the cave.   "Ambush in the woods" The 'Ard boys were ambushed by a hobgolbin raiding party from the The Cragmaw Tribe. They carried wanted posters for Quinn Bloodscale and Lo-Kag Kalathai signed by The Black Spider. They were hastily dispatached by Lathander's light.   "Loggers' Camp" Harbin Wester has requested someone re-supplies his Business venture in Neverwinter Woods. The camp is run by his half-brother Tibor Wester. The supplies will be available from Barthen's Provisions. Whilst the provisions were indeed delivered... The camp had been decimated by Anhkegs and Tibor Wester met his end at the hands of Gorthok the Thunder Boar.   "A Forest Guide" Qelline Alderleaf told the 'Ardboys that if anyone could help them find the places they are looking for it would be Reidoth the Druid. A member of the The Emerald Enclave last known to be around the ruins of Thundertree. The 'Ardboys met with Reidoth the Druid who gave them directions to Cragmaw Castle and said he had rough knowledge as to the location of Wave Echo Cave but could not leave his trees unattended.   "Meet me in Phandalin" Gundren Rockseeker hired you to escort a wagon to Phandalin. Gundren Rockseeker has been abducted by The Cragmaw Tribe and sent to Cragmaw Castle under the instructions of The Black Spider. Gundren Rockseeker is believed one of the few individuals to know the location of the cave of the Phandelver Pact. The 'Ardboys now know the location of Cragmaw Castle thanks to Reidoth the Druid. They were able to save Gundren Rockseeker from hands of King Grol and Larno Albrek.   "The Nilbog" Having decimated the hierarchy of The Cragmaw Tribe, The 'Ardboys looked to instate a new leader. While the Hobgoblins insisted on Targor Bloodsword... The 'Ardboys had other ideas. Droop a treasured member of the group was proclaimed the new leader of The Cragmaw Tribe by Quinn Bloodscale with unanimous support. To their suprise Droop revealed himself as The Nilbog a Chaotic god of pranks and mischif. It is hoped that The Cragmaw Tribe will no longer trouble the surrounding regions and will act as a calling point for goblinoids who have lost their way.   "Who is Elsa Lovegood" Alistair DütcHoven's love interest Elsa Lovegood seemed a flirtatious, busty las who worked at Stonehill Inn. That was until the 'Ardboys descovered the "Real" Elsa Lovegood being prepared for ritual sacrifice to Maglubiyet by The Cragmaw Tribe within Cragmaw Castle. Confronting both Elsa Lovegood's in Phandalin the 'Ardboys were able to reveal a Doppelganger. Although it remains unclear if this creature was the Master or the Apprentice.   "A good word" Theobald Wilmont has hired Keith McCraggins and the 'Ardboys to escort him to Phandalin where he has business with Halia Thornton. He says if you’re any good then he’ll “put in a good word for you”. With some of the 'Ardboys having met Halia Thornton it seems she wants to exert greater influence in the town of Phandalin. Further discussions suggest Halia Thornton will soon take control of Phandalin with the repurposed Redbrands. She doesn't appear to require the groups assistance, only their assurances that they will not interfere. It seems that the schemes of Halia Thornton have paid off with her taking the role of Town Master of Phandalin. Although, it was Lo-Kag Kalathai in the end who joined the family.   "The Mountain’s Toe Gold Mine" lies fifteen miles northeast of Phandalin. The new overseer, Don-Jon Raskin, May need to be escorted to the mine once he recovers. There’s no telling what dangers lie between here and there. Whilst the 'Ardboys were away it appears Don-Jon Raskin contracted another adventuring group to escort him, The Stone-cold Reavers.   "Dwarven Excavation" The Dwarven prospectors Dazlyn and Norbus have set out to investigate some old Dwarven ruins for the treasures and relics they might contain. They are expected back in Phandalin with a haul of gems including diamonds. Upon arriving the 'Ardboys found Dazlyn and Norbus. Norbus had been driven insane by a constant tapping deep within the excavation. Within the 'Ardboys faced an undead dwarf, yellow ooze and a mischevious statue to Abbathor. They left with the knowledge that a larger settlement must have been nearby to supply the temple.   "Axeholm" On their way to Gnomengard the 'Ardboys found way stones indicating Axeholm as the larger settlement attached to the temple of Abbathor in the Dwarven Excavation. Lured by orcish war horns and White Dragon. The 'Ardboys witnessed a massacre. To take cover they entered this forsaken and abandoned fortress only to find the wrank smell of death and decay... and spiders. Flesh hungry undead dwarves roamed the halls with their Castellan Zul Dratch sitting proud and motionless on his throne. After slaying all the undead within, the 'Ardboys sealed the entrance.   "Vyldara" The restless spirit of Vyldara, sorrow bound to the fortress of Axeholm, believed Abbathor had tied her soul to the endless torment she had endured. Visions of a bone White Kingdom, with a palace overlooking a black lake which poured into the eternal nothingness of the abyss troubled her. Despite the 'Ardboys destroying all symbols of Abbathor and undead in Axeholm, Vyldara was not freed. It was not until an abyssal blade was placed into Alistair DütcHoven's T.E.A.Bag that she was finally allowed to rest.   "Gnomengarde" Theobald Wilmont was sent to Gnomengard by Halia Thornton to see if they had any further information on the Phandelver Pact. Halia Thornton believes Theobald Wilmont is a capable individual who should be more than up to the task. The 'Ardboys arrived at the spring equinox festival and joined in the festivities. They met King Gnerkli and King Korboz who told them of a team event known as "The Gauntlet" to retrieve a golden unicorn statue. Theobald Wilmont encouraged them to partake in "The Gauntlet" in the hopes it might provide extra information on the Phandelver Pact and be good fun!   "The Gauntlet" 

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