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Session 11: Primer

As the plot thickens the 'Arboys find themselves in a Phandalin under new leadership. Halia Thornton having seized control in a smooth transition of power. The Redbrand Ruffians have been repurposed and bolstered as the "Yellow cloaks" finally bringing security to the frontier settlement. Hidden threats have been revealed with missives from The Black Spider found in Harbin Wester's home and a Doppleganger posing as Elsa Lovegood neutralised by our adventurers.   Meanwhile the ongoing search for Wave Echo Cave continues with numerous groups, factions and individuals interested in location and unknown contents of the lost mine of the Phandelver Pact. Quinn Bloodscale and Gundren Rockseeker both know the location, but are the 'Ardboys ready to face the adversaries and challenges which may lurk within? What do the symbols Larno Albrek discovered mean?   And of course, we cannot forget the threat of Dragons. The Green Dragon Venomfang holding the party in his thrall. Whilst an unknown White Dragon dominates the skies. How will the 'Ardboys satisfy their Master's desire for living treasures? Could old folk tales of Azdraka hold the key to Venomfang's undoing?   Not to mention the mysterious storms which have whipped up across Neverwinter Woods and the coast. The massive Gorthok the Thunder Boar and a horde of orcs driving the party from theLoggers' Camp.   So many questions, with so few answers.   Nevertheless, we join the 'Ardboys on a quiet evening. Quinn Bloodscale having purchased a new leather pouch from Elmar Barthen. Keith McCraggins and Alistair DütcHoven being regaled with stories by Gundren Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter. And finally, the exiled Goliath Lo-Kag Kalathai accepting the invitation to a new family by Halia Thornton a member of The Zhentarim.
ACTIVE QUESTS   "Storms over Neverwinter Wood" A strange, unnatural, arcane storm erupted somewhere near the centre of Neverwinter Woods and mysteriously dissipated as quickly as it appeared. Other storms have appeared in Dreams and more recently with the appearance of Gorthok the Thunder Boar. "Something in the sky" The 'Ardboys saw a large winged creature in the sky over The Sword Mountains behind Phandalin. It seems a Dragon has come and is displacing the normal inhabitants of the mountains and threatening settled areas. They 'Ardboys have yet to cross paths with the beast.   "The Symbols of Phandelver" Larno Albrek appears to have been deciphering five symbols with links to Wave Echo Cave. With the "mountain" symbol in hand thanks to Halia Thornton. Their only other lead is Hamun Kost a mage of some repute near Old Owl Well and The Elven Tomb of Lord Arlan Nordelrae.   "Venomfang's Thrall" The 'Ardboys encountered the young adult green Dragon Venomfang in the ruins of Thundertree. Hopelessly outmatched our heroes bargained for their lives, pledging to provide Venomfang with treasures, influential servants and to come when he calls via the sending stone.   "Glasstaff's Gamit" Having temporarily captured Larno Albrek and taking possesion of his "Glass staff". The 'Ardbys learnt that he poportedly is still working for The Lords' Alliance deep under cover. He also revealed The Black Spider as a Drow elf, who was periously close to accessing Wave Echo Cave. Not one to be tired down Larno Albrek escaped during a battle with an Owlbear in Cragmaw Castle.   "Wave Echo Cave" The location of The Spell Forge and the riches of the Phandelver empire, an alliance of Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves and Humans. Its precise location was lost to history. However, Quinn Bloodscale has seen and memorised a map written by Gundren Rockseeker and his brothers detailing directions. Gundren Rockseeker is also believed to have visited the cave. It would appear multiple groups are interested in the contents of Wave Echo Cave with Larno Albrek claiming The Black Spider has almost found it and both Sildar Hallwinter and Halia Thornton aware of its existance.   "Party in the Woods" A Chance meeting with Odiri the halfling Postmaster, and occasional dealer, informed the 'Ardboys that a Bachelor party was taking place at Flacon's Hunting Lodge in the heart of Neverwinter Woods. A Luxury retreat for the wealthier members of Neverwinter.   "Dwarven Excavation" The Dwarven prospectors Dazlyn and Norbus have set out to investigate some old Dwarven ruins for the treasures and relics they might contain. They are expected back in Phandalin with a haul of gems including diamonds.   "Gnomengarde" Theobald Wilmont was sent to Gnomengard by Halia Thornton to see if they had any further information on the Phandelver Pact. Halia Thornton believes Theobald Wilmont is a capable individual who should be more than up to the task.
Sword Coast
The Tale of Azdraka and Lady Tanamere
Prose | Oct 25, 2020
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