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Town in Turmoil

General Summary

Our Adventurer’s find themselves heading into Phandalin after sighting a Dragon off in the mountains. They notice that the town is as shocked about this sighting as they are. While making their way in, they take stock of the various groups of ruffians congregating wearing distinctive red capes.   On Quinn Bloodscale’s suggestion, their first stop was into Barthen’s Provisions where they delivered the provisions that she’d originally set out with to Elmar Barthen. Unfortunately, Elmar Barthen was not too helpful in his knowledge of current events other than that he had not seen Gundren Rockseeker or his brothers in quite some time. He instructed his two young apprentices to load the provisions into the Rockseeker store while the adventurers said their farewells and made their way to the Stonehill Inn seeking lodgings.   It was here that Sildar Hallwinter and Don-Jon Raskin took their leave, organising their own lodgings but with a promise to catch up with the adventurers soon. They were greeted by Toblin Stonehill, the innkeeper, and his son, Pip, while also taking note of the buxom barmaid, Elsa Lovegood. After negotiating a deal for a couple of nights stay and free booze, Toblin Stonehill informed our intrepid band of the uneasy relationship with the Redbrand Ruffians. It seemed that they were a necessary evil in some ways, protecting the town but also throwing their weight around and not everyone was happy about it. Toblin Stonehill was unable to further enlighten them on any other topics and directed them toward young Elsa Lovegood for further information.   At this point our little band split - Keith McCraggins and Alistair DütcHoven stayed to talk to the barmaid while and Quinn Bloodscale escorted Theobald Wilmont to the Phandalin Miner’s Exchange.   Alistair DütcHoven confessed his lack of “game” to Keith McCraggins who convinced him that any good relationship starts with a good pat on the butt which worked amazingly well. Elsa Lovegood was quite flirtatious with both, although it had a much more… stiffening effect on Alistair DütcHoven. Keith McCraggins still able to keep his wits about him, found out from her that the agent from the The Lords' Alliance, the wizard Larno Albrek, had come through about 2 weeks ago but no-one had seen him since, that and she implied that they had sexual relations, possibly for money. Her attitude toward the Redbrand Ruffians was perhaps more favourable than Toblin’s, but her knowledge of the Dragon was as sparse as everyone else’s.   The same Redbrand Ruffians who showed themselves to be none too fond of outsiders (Note: NOT RACIAL). Lo-Kag, Quinn Bloodscale and Theobald Wilmont let it slide and found themselves in the waiting area of the Phandalin Miner’s Exchange; here it took the production of a mysterious coin flashed to the inept receptionist to get a meeting with Halia Thornton, Theobald Wilmont contact. After exchanging words, Lo-Kag and Halia Thornton developed an instantaneous connection where we got an insight into his fondness for his newfound Tribe (and family). While disappointed that Keith McCraggins specifically had not attended, our adventurers were prefaced with an opportunity to aid in Halia Thornton and Theobald Wilmont plans for a seeming coup of the Townmaster. A decision they would have to discuss with the rest of the group.   At this point, Alistair DütcHoven had been thoroughly enchanted by Elsa Lovegood while Keith McCraggins was clearly trying to swoop in. Rudely, some Red Ruffians barged into the Inn and began making a nuisance of themselves. Lo-Kag and Quinn Bloodscale hurriedly made their way in after and the party exchanged information. It did not take long for the attention of the Redbrand Ruffians to turn towards Elsa Lovegood with one of their number Luke pinning her against a wall.   Incensed, Alistair DütcHoven nervously marched over and demanded that Luke stop, prompting another large member, Jack Redbrand, of the gang to try to intimidate Alistair DütcHoven. Fortunately, he had a Hulk…sorry, a Goliath, as well as Keith McCraggins stand up to back him up. The Redbrand Ruffians thought better of their current course of action and left without incident.   A very grateful Toblin Stonehill then rewarded the adventurers with free room, board and booze. Tired, dirty and in some cases injured, our adventurers retired to their rooms with Lo-Kag and Alistair DütcHoven in one and Keith McCraggins and Quinn Bloodscale the other. Lo-Kag, being the dirtiest, availed himself of a bath while Quinn Bloodscale and Keith McCraggins hatched a clever prank to play on Alistair DütcHoven.   Quinn Bloodscale, disguised as Elsa Lovegood, came knocking on Alistair DütcHoven’s door and promised him untold delights in the barn and led him thusly. Unfortunately later, as a result, a scantily-clad Elsa Lovegood was left wanting knocking on a now empty room. Back in the barn, Quinn-Elsa bade Alistair DütcHoven lie down in a hay bed awaiting perhaps the greatest moment of his young life titillated by the silhouette of Quinn-Elsa disrobing. Events turned quickly sour, as they are want to do, when Keith McCraggins jumped out and poured ice-cold water onto Alistair’s heated crotch. Startled and terrified, Alistair DütcHoven cast Faerie Fire magically illuminating not only the barn, but also Quinn and an apparently completely naked Keith McCraggins in a magical violet neon glow. Alistair DütcHoven and Quinn Bloodscale were both incredulous at Keith McCraggins’s state of undress but would find that his glowing and erect torchlight penis highlighted a boot which had caused Alistair DütcHoven to trip in the hay. Here they discovered the ghastly remains of Luke, the Redbrand Ruffian, freshly killed with his dead eyes staring up at them, curiously 180 degrees from where they should have been.   They immediately grabbed Lo-Kag and notified Toblin Stonehill, who was most fearful that the Ruffians should think they had anything to do with the murder. Covering up the body (however not before considering many ways to dispose of it), they left with a plan to take the matter to the Town Master in the morning.   The next day while at breakfast and discussing how to proceed, poor Pip had already found the body, conveniently giving a reason for everyone to act surprised. We leave them on the verge of notifying the Town Master with Sildar Hallwinter in tow.

Created Content

"Body in the hay" - The 'Ardboys found the body of one of the Redbrand Ruffians murdered behind the Stonehill Inn. Toblin Stonehill wants nothing to do with it and has asked the party to report the killing to the Town master.   "A good word" - Theobald Wilmont has hired Keith McCraggins and the 'Ardboys to escort him to Phandalin where he has business with Halia Thornton. He says if you’re any good then he’ll “put in a good word for you”. With some of the 'Ardboys having met Halia Thornton it seems she wants to exert greater influence in the town of Phandalin.
Report Date
12 Jul 2020
Primary Location

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