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Transition of Power

General Summary

We join the ‘Ardboys in the early hours of the morning, following a night of Devilweed, libations and general celebration at their conquest of Cragmaw Castle. Quinn Bloodscale was the first to stir and wander the perimeter in the cool morning air. As she approached the tree-line she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up with that now-familiar sensation of a nearby Dragon and looked to the sky to see a white beast flying above. Without time to dwell on the sighting, Quinn's Dream was Looty-called by the Dragon Venomfang, who was interested to find out what treasures the ‘Ardboys had been able to acquire thus far. He emphasized the importance of living treasures and people of influence; and noted he would like to see the party again some time. The next to wake was Odiri who was keen to be on her way riding her trusty mastiff. She said her goodbyes to the group and wished them all the best. She was going to Falcon’s Hunting Lodge, a luxury retreat for the wealthy members of Neverwinter society. She assured Alistair DütcHoven that his letter would reach The Song of Morning temple in Beregost and to expect at least a 15-day turn-around in reply.   The party then headed towards Phandalin with the unconscious Gundren Rockseeker (In what appeared to be a magically induced coma) and Elsa Lovegood in tow. What was a most pleasant journey was marred by the discovery of four hobgoblin bodies decapitated on the side of the road. With humanoid tracks leading towards Phandalin the ‘Ardboys proceeded with caution. The fields and outer homes of the town were noticeably unattended, even Barthen's Provisions did not have the friendly old shopkeeper or his apprentices. Alistair DütcHoven’s keen ears noted sounds form the town square, so the group devised a plan. Splitting the party Lo-Kag Kalathai and Raster headed to the North and Quinn Bloodscale and Alistair DütcHoven to the East, Keith McCraggins would hang back with Gundren Rockseeker and Elsa Lovegood.   What Lo-Kag Kalathai witnessed with a gathering of all the townspeople listening to Halia Thornton denounce the current town master Harbin Wester and list a tally of his crimes. Notably, was the presence of the new Yellow Cloaks of Phandalin and their Commander John Small. Jack Redbrand (Former Redbrand Ruffians) was also brought forward as a Witness to verify Halia Thornton’s claims. Harbin Wester and the creature Nothic were also brough forward as prisoners to highlight the threats from within and without of Phandalin. With Goliath certaintly Lo-Kag Kalathai strode into the square and was greeted as one of the "Heroes of Phandalin" returned from an adventure by Halia Thornton and praised for the work he and his party had completed routing the Redbrand Ruffians and "Glasstaff". Several of the townsfolk looked to Lo-Kag Kalathai for reassurance that this was the right thing to do.   At the same time, the rest of the party had run into Sildar Hallwinter who was understandably concerned about the evolving situation in Phandalin. They took refuge in the Stonehill Inn and watched the proceedings from afar. Quinn Bloodscale wanted to bring Lo-Kag Kalathai back so quietly suck around and used a sneaky mage-hand to cup Lo-Kag Kalathai's balls and gently coax him from the square. As Lo-Kag Kalathai began to take his leave he noticed Elsa Lovegood in the crowd and proceeded to get a little handsy with her, grappling the surprisingly strong female. She protested and Lo-Kag Kalathai received some strange looks from the guards and villagers but was not stopped from "taking his prize”.   Meeting in a back alley the ‘Ardboys, Sildar Hallwinter and “Real” Elsa Lovegood all confronted the now bound Elsa Lovegood that Lo-Kag Kalathai and Quinn Bloodscale had begun interrogating. A series of questions did not seem to be getting to the bottom of things so they asked for "unbound" Elsa Lovegood if she had any birthmarks. She said there was one on her butt cheek. With all the males averting their eyes Quinn Bloodscale Proceeded to inspect each derriere. Whilst she was checking unbound Elsa’s backside the Bound else changed shape, slipping from her restraints and barrelling into Quinn Bloodscale, almost knocking her out. However, the numbers were not on the creature’s side and fatal blows from Lo-Kag Kalathai, Keith McCraggins and Sildar Hallwinter ended the creature who converted to its natural form. Sildar Hallwinter informed the party that he had heard rumours of such shapeshifters being used for espionage and assassination and that they almost always worked in a master and apprentice arrangement, but he could not determine which this creature was.   Deciding Elsa Lovegood should go and get some rest after what she had witnessed she returned to Stonehill Inn. The ‘Ardboys and Sildar Hallwinter went to the town master’s hall to confront Halia Thornton the newly self-appointed Town Master with the corpse of the "Doppelganger". Halia Thornton thanked then for their hard work. She also reassured Sildar Hallwinter that he was still welcome in Phandalin as a member of The Lords' Alliance and that no harm would come to him. She then proceeded to reveal several letters Harbin Wester had been holding on to from The Black Spider, detailing some of his treachery and deception. She also revealed that John Small had dispatched Hobgoblins carrying wanted notes for the remainder of the party, all with The Black Spider’s mark. Sildar Hallwinter took his leave to attend to Gundren Rockseeker back in the inn whilst the ‘Ardboys discussed the matter of Harbin Wester and Nothic with Halia Thornton. She granted them access to both of their cells and conveyed that she did not want any specific harm to come to Nothic and that Harbin Wester could be spared if they had another use for him, but he could not remain in Phandalin. She also informed the party that Theobald Wilmont had been sent on an assignment to meet with the Gnomes in Gnomengard. Who would perhaps know more about the lost Phandelver Pact.   Confronting Greasy fingers himself the ‘Ardboys struck a deal with Harbin Wester. His only way of getting out of this alive would be to accompany them to meet Venomfang and to join his Thrall. They would come and collect him once they were ready to make the Journey. He also informed then of “the signal” he was supposed to give to The Black Spider, a large firework/flare stored in his closet. Nothic was an easier dilemma, he was happy to be released back to his cleft under Tresendar Manor. He gave assurances he would keep to himself as he had done for hundreds of years.   Not wanting to waste the remainder of the day the group set out to do some tasks around town. However, they were stopped in the inn common room by an intriguing bard’s tale of the Green Dragon Azdraka and her downfall at the hands of Lady Tanamere and her mighty Dragon slaying sword, which some say she was buried with (The Tale of Azdraka and Lady Tanamere). Quinn Bloodscale stopped by the Phandalin Miner's Exchange to look for some Diamonds. Unfortunately, these were in short supply and the larger stones under special requisition by Halia Thornton, but delivery was due from a pair of miners Norbus and Dazlyn, who had not been heard from in some days, near the Dwarven Excavation. Alistair DütcHoven also was on the lookout for jewellery but this was unfortunately also in short supply.   The group then took Gundren Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter to see Adabra Gwynn at Umbridge Hill to see if he could be woken from his coma. Fortunately, the apothecary and midwife was able to do the necessary treatment over several hours. Lo-Kag Kalathai explored the ancestral tombs of the dwarven family the Longhorns who had been buried there for what seemed like generations. A panel of one of the more ornate tombs appeared a little amiss and removing it revealed a hidden compartment, empty, barring a single coin stamped with a diving serpent insignia. Unsure what to make of this Lo-Kag Kalathai pocketed the coin for later use. Gundren Rockseeker awoken from his slumber was an almost incomprehensible French/Irish/Scottish dwarf that the group found difficult to understand. Nevertheless, they were able to garner that Gundren Rockseeker had in fact been inside Wave Echo Cave and he expected that is where his Brothers Nundro Rockseeker and Thandren Rockseeker(Person) were. He was no more familiar with The Black Spider than they were. Adabra Gwynn gave clear instructions that he would not be fit for adventuring for at least another 2 – 3 days.   Upon return to Phandalin, the group settled in for the night. They learnt from Toblin Stonehill that Don-Jon Raskin had seemingly contracted another group of adventures calling themselves The Stone-cold Reavers. Quinn Bloodscale obtained a red leather pouch for spell reagents. Lo-Kag Kalathai showed the mysterious coin to Toblin Stonehill who said he didn’t want anything to do with the "Black Network". He then decided to show the coin to Halia Thornton in private, who revealed to him she was a member of The Zhentarim and would value him as an addition to their family. She told him that he was resourceful and that she had seen promise in him since the moment they had met. Lo-Kag Kalathai slightly torn by allegiance the ‘Ardboys was reassured by Halia Thornton that he would not have to forsake one family for another, and that he had already done a great service to The Zhentarim by helping deliver Phandalin to them. So Lo-Kag Kalathai accepted his membership to become a Fang of The Zhentarim. With so many competing interests who knows what awaits our adventurers, find out next time during the next episode of Lost Dragon’s of Phandelver.

Missions/Quests Completed

"Who is Elsa Lovegood" Alistair DütcHoven's love interest Elsa Lovegood seemed a flirtatious, busty las who worked at Stonehill Inn. That was until the 'Ardboys descovered the "Real" Elsa Lovegood being prepared for ritual sacrifice to Maglubiyet by The Cragmaw Tribe within Cragmaw Castle. Confronting both Elsa Lovegood's in Phandalin the 'Ardboys were able to reveal a Doppelganger. Although it remains unclear if this creature was the Master or the Apprentice.   "A good word" Theobald Wilmont has hired Keith McCraggins and the 'Ardboys to escort him to Phandalin where he has business with Halia Thornton. He says if you’re any good then he’ll “put in a good word for you”. With some of the 'Ardboys having met Halia Thornton it seems she wants to exert greater influence in the town of Phandalin. Further discussions suggest Halia Thornton will soon take control of Phandalin with the repurposed Redbrands. She doesn't appear to require the groups assistance, only their assurances that they will not interfere. It seems that the schemes of Halia Thornton have paid off with her taking the role of Town Master of Phandalin. Although, it was Lo-Kag Kalathai in the end who joined the family.   "The Mountain’s Toe Gold Mine" lies fifteen miles northeast of Phandalin. The new overseer, Don-Jon Raskin, May need to be escorted to the mine once he recovers. There’s no telling what dangers lie between here and there. Whilst the 'Ardboys were away it appears Don-Jon Raskin contracted another adventuring group to escort him, The Stone-cold Reavers.

Created Content

"Party in the Woods" A Chance meeting with Odiri the halfling Postmaster, and occasional dealer, informed the 'Ardboys that a Bachelor party was taking place at Flacon's Hunting Lodge in the heart of Neverwinter Woods. A Luxury retreat for the wealthier members of Neverwinter.   "Dwarven Excavation" The Dwarven prospectors Dazlyn and Norbus have set out to investigate some old Dwarven ruins for the treasures and relics they might contain. They are expected back in Phandalin with a haul of gems including diamonds.   "Gnomengarde" Theobald Wilmont was sent to Gnomengard by Halia Thornton to see if they had any further information on the Phandelver Pact. Halia Thornton believes Theobald Wilmont is a capable individual who should be more than up to the task.
Report Date
25 Oct 2020
Primary Location
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