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Most modern human inhabitants of Akados generally get lumped into the ethnicity known as the Foerdewaith, though this is more by convenience of association with that old empire rather than a true blood lineage. The Foerdewaith of Bard’s Gate tend to have the lighter brown hair and more deeply tanned skin tones commonly found in eastern Akados as opposed to the fairer skins and darker hairs of western Akados. They have no especially great link with the purer Foerdewaith lineages of central Akados but rather tend to be descended from the vassal tribes incorporated into Foere in the Gulf of Akados and northern Sinnar Coast regions, though with a strong strain of Rheman form their long and close association with the Duchy of Waymarch.  

Foerdewaith Names

The Foerdewaith are such a large and diverse group that there are no common naming schemes between them  

Foerdewaith Stats

The Foerdewaith receive no particular bonus's and use the Human (Variant) stats.   Languages: The Foerdewaith can read, speak and write Westerling (common)
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