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Hobgoblins are a larger, stronger, smarter, and more menacing form of goblinoids than goblins, but not as powerful as bugbears. They are often militaristic and structured, as well as the most intelligent goblinoid.   By and large hobgoblins, like their kin, are considered evil creatures and often meet this expectation. While Goblinoid society is cruel and harsh, some individuals escape it to carry on lives of virtue. Those few who do take this risk and succeed often meet cautious praise and acceptance from outsiders.   Though hobgoblins are not necessarily evil they are prone to violence and hot tempers and find it difficult to be truly altruistic. When provoked, which is often easy, hobgoblins are vindictive creatures who take glee in causing pain to those that injured them. Those hobgoblins who overcome this nature often do so because of the rewards they find in serving good, rather than evil.   Hobgoblins are rarely found in communities where they are not in command of either goblins or bugbears, or sometimes both, and the most civilized goblinoid communities are ruled by the race. This is in large part because hobgoblin society is more industrious and less savage than that of goblins or bugbears. Though sometimes bugbears take control, most such communities are ruled over by the strongest hobgoblin, who serves as the warchief.   Hobgoblins have a long tradition of mastering and breeding the creatures of the world into slaves of various sorts. Many, for instance, like working with wolves or worgs. Similarly, many drake breeds were first bred by hobgoblins. Some even believe hobgoblins carried this practice on within their own race, creating the goblins and bugbears in such a manner.   Hobgoblins are immensely protective of their tribe's reputation and military status, so much so that meetings between different groups can turn violent if proper protocol is not followed. However, though hobgoblin tribes are territorial and egotistical in nature they will often unite for a common purpose, such as war against non-goblinoids. Many Hobgoblins also embody a strong sense of honor, which might surprise outsiders. They tend to be somewhat honest and less conniving than goblins, and are notoriously poor liars.   While they can be xenophobic at times, Hobgoblins are not above using technology or plunder from other races. Parasitically intelligent warlords of Hobgoblins sometimes choose to negotiate or subjugate enemies rather than destroy or enslave them, if it is useful to them.   Hobgoblins tend to be slightly taller and larger than Humanoids, but their appearance could vary wildly. Often their skin was a reddish or brown hue, but tones of grey were not uncommon depending on their location. Many had tusks similarly to orcs, but their large noses and pointed ears set them apart.  


Uzuk, Vrokoc, Olvec, Mandrol, Kurz, Rorg, Grugon, Azar, Vrakror, Rakvel

Hobgoblin Stats and Abilities

Ability Score Increase - Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Size - Hobgoblins are between 5 and 6 feet tall and weigh between 150 and 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed - Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision - You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Martial Training - You are proficient with two martial weapons of your choice and with light armor.
Saving Face - Hobgoblins are careful not to show weakness in front of their allies, for fear of losing status. If you miss with an attack roll or fail an ability check or a saving throw, you can gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number of allies you can see within 30 feet of you (maximum bonus of +5). Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Languages - You can speak, read, and write one Human language (usuall Westerling) and Goblin.
Hobgoblins reach adulthood at age 18 and live up to 80 years.
Average Height
6' 3" - 6' 5"
Average Weight
One Human Language


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