Phrygia Volcano Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Phrygia Volcano

The massive volcano known as Phrygia stands in the northern Hollow Spire Mountains and serves as the location of Crombleholme (at its base) and the insidious Temple of Abhor Brazier (14,000 feet above sea level on the side of its smoldering cone). Phrygia shakes and shudders occasionally (more frequently now, it seems, after the horrible fires of Abhor Brazier were re-lit) but few can remember the last time the volcano erupted. Visitors to Crombleholme claim that searing streams flow out of cracks at the base of the volcano, waterways that eventually cool and provide nutrient-rich water for the surrounding land. Many say the water tastes funny, however, although they can’t remember why they feel that way.


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