Covenance of Isturoth Document in The Lost Realms | World Anvil
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Covenance of Isturoth

The War of Ashes was the longest and most inclusive military conflict in the history of Isturoth. It began in unavoidable tragedy and went on for decades, resulting in the deaths of many. After so long at war, every side was tired and running low on resources, as well as suffering from internal problems that threatened to tear the two prevailing kingdoms apart. And so, after much deliberation, both sides agreed to a ceasefire, allowing them to retain the current territory they held without attempting to lay claim to any more.

Historical Details


With the War of Ashes exacting a heavy toll on the emerging two kingdoms, both sides were desperate for an end to the conflict. The new kingdoms of Kur'Taloth and Vashira (Melovakh at the time) had both newly-acquired a massive amount of territory and absorbed many smaller provinces. Keeping these proved to be a substantial effort, let alone fighting off a warring kingdom of roughly the same size. Many regions attempted to re-organise and secede from their new conquerers' empires and rifts appeared all over in this unstable state.   After so much chaos and war, resources were hard to organise, coordinate and obtain. In particular, these included soldiers, armaments, food and medical supplies. Trade routes were still being established, especially in those who were absorbed into larger nations by force. The conquered were not too willing to hand over their land's roads and resources.   As discreetly as possible, plans were made on both sides to reach out and gauge if the other would be willing to accept a ceasefire, if one were put on the table. Finally, enough diplomacy and communication allowed a meeting to take place, where Queen Vashir and Grand Prophet Mikholva signed a treaty between the nations.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Vellum / Skin
Signatories (Characters)

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