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Queen Vašir

The Iron Sovereign

Before the War of Ashes, the mountain kingdom of Isturoth was made up of dozens of provincial domains, each ruled by their own systems of feudal government. A pivotal moment came with The Displacement, when Malrokum erupted and through the southern provinces into chaos. The ensuing conflict began the War of Ashes, the race to rule the mountains.
  One of the biggest players in this was Queen Vašir, the sovereign of Melovakh. For countless ages, the Vašir family had ruled the land following a bloody coup, ousting the previous tyrannical reign. Over time, the iron fist slowly returned and the royal family eyed their neighbours' lands enviously.
  By the time war had gripped Isturoth, it didn't take much for Queen Vašir, The Iron Sovereign and Mother of Conquest, to launch a campaign the royal line had been planning for over a century. Ultimately, she emerged one of the biggest victors of the conflict, her empire swelling to encompass over half of the Ironstone mountains. This land would eventually become re-established as the kingdom of Vašira.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories


The reign of Queen Vashira was long and harsh, but also polarising. Many citizens of Melovakh, particularly those who lived within the capital, felt that the royal family still represented the overthrowing of an authoritarian rule by the working class. They believed the queen herself best represented their interests and the interests of the kingdom. So when it came to beginning her war campaign, she was not short of supporters. She had earlier adopted the moniker of "Iron Sovereign", from the historical but highly controversial Imperial Decree of Iron Sovereignty, which states an inherent right to conquer the mountains and allegedly came from Lord Blackwood, the original founder of Isturoth.   Her rule was filled with severe punishments and flagrant propaganda, and taxes were raised to an all-time high to support the war effort. Unavoidably, her support waned, as citizens began to challenge the purpose of such a drawn-out campaign of conquest. Questions were raised about the Queen's dedication to Melovakh while simultaneously trying to control and support the newly-acquired provinces.   Ultimately, a bloodless coup by the queen's generals and advisors saw her forcibly install a council to govern the new confederation. It was plain to see to all involved that continued warfare was not sustainable and steps needed to be taken, though by now Queen Vashira had too much power to simply be removed from the throne.   It is believed that an agreement was reached with the queen that would allow her remain a symbolic leader of the newly-forged kingdom in exchange for publicly and consensually establishing a new government. To the citizens of the kingdom now referred to as "Vashira", the Queen had taken a smart, logical and thoughtful step towards excellent governance, a move that was conscientious of the people, many of whom had become recently disillusioned with her.  


The Iron Sovereign ended her bloody campaign with wisdom and grace, and so fell back into favour with the general populace. To this day, her reign is very polarising. Some see her for the warmongering, power-hungry warlock that she was, while others adore and revere her as if she was a living god.

Wealth & Financial state

A lengthy campaign of conquest had left the royal coffers relatively empty, and once the war was over, it was advised to spend what little remained on maintaining what currently controlled. Quick land grabs were not particularly stable and a rush to control many provinces quickly meant that a firm grasp on the new areas had not yet been established.   While ruling such a broad area would undoubtedly pay off in the long run, it would be some time before any return on investments were seen. These decisions were made without approval from the Queen herself and done under the table, for the Iron Sovereign would have continued the war if she had had her own way. By the time she passed away at a ripe old age, the minimal wealth that existed was being distributed around. There was little to be inherited after her death, and several generations of the royal lineage after her would lead a relatively humble existence.   Over time, the wealth has begun to accumulate somewhat, but due to the Vashirs being a constitutional monarchy, will perhaps forever pale in comparision to the original wealth of Queen Vashira at the time of her ascension.
7970 8065
Place of Death
Long, black

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