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Festival of the Opulent

In the northern kingdom of Vašira, the ruling noblity (known as the Širan love nothing more than a party, a chance to show off their wealth and status amongst their peers.   For those who know of it, the Festival of the Opulent is a week-long celebration of all things excess. The participants engage in a bender of alcohol consumption, feasting, displays of wealth and one's rare or valuable possessions, dancing, exotic performances, orgies, and many other acts of leisure. It is the ultimate show of opulance, gluttony, extravagance and over-indulgence.


The festival was first started by Queen Vašir at the founding of Vašira as a show of her success and power. Fully indulged and encouraged by the upper classes, this celebration became an annual re-occurrence after the success of the first festival.


The Festival of the Opulent is predominantly held for the rich and powerful, those who can afford to indulge in excess. Normally, there will be a "guest of honour", a local lord or lady who has the honour of having the lower classes pay "tribute" to them in exchange for participation in the festivities. These tributes can take the form of coin, jewellery, aromatics, valuables, relics and other treasures. After paying their tribute, these individuals are allowed to engage with the various activities and luxuries that the festival offers.   Naturally, the Festival of the Opulent is greatly profitable to whichever noble is being honoured, which often rotates to a new one each year. Most places in Isturoth do not allow the same noble to be honoured twice, and each year must honour someone new.
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