Grymn (grim)

God of Death, Grymn

Divine Domains

Grymn’s main domains are Death and Repose, two similar domains where one is the second chapter of life and the other is upkeeping order in that chapter. Additional domains include Law and Evil.

Holy Books & Codes

Grymn holds one main scripture: “Grymn’s List”. This list holds the names of all mortals which Grymn has made a deal with, and when their time is up, he’ll collect them into his ever-growing army of undead. Historically, some deals have been written contracts, but few are recorded in writing anymore.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The simplest divine symbol of Grymn is that of a cross above a half ellipse. It is made to appear as a filled grave. Additional details can include separating the beams of the cross or adorning it with a skull on the grave's soil.
An elaborate symbol is the portrait of a cloaked man in shadow with piercing glowing eyes. Some depictions include Grymn's relics, the ancient weapons Smith and Wesson.

Tenets of Faith

Even those that do not follow Grymn can recall the phrase, “Bury me low”. The idea is that the lower one is buried, the less likely their corpse is added to his army. Others may recall or recite words of warning:
  1. Don't make deals with death.
  2. The reaper doesn't listen to the harvest
  3. Be careful who you trust, for even the Reaper Grymn was once an Angel of Cleft
Many other warnings are spoken by those who fear or seek to hinder Grymn, sometimes even those that have already struck a deal with him.


The main holiday revering Grymn would be Del Noches. It is a day to revere ancestry and the deceased while enjoying an autumn feast. The history stems from Grymn’s good-aligned vassal Charnel, and as such it became the most respected holiday of Grymn. Del Noches is celebrated in most locations at the end of harvest season, usually April or October 10th, depending on which hemisphere it’s in. Often, a house of Grymn treats this day to focus on Repose.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

As the Cowboy of all that is undead, Grymn’s goal is to grow the largest, unyielding, standing army. Legends obscure what he is building this army against, but Grymn seeks to collect the corpses or rope in powerful mortals to bolster his ranks. His followers usually seek to borrow a portion of his power to gain armies of their own, if not break the natural order to interact with the dead, if not become immune to it themselves. Naturally, Grymn has many enemies among the Divine 13, due to his greed and pride, but Grymn has kept them in check.

Divine Vassals

The vassals of Grymn are called Deathlords, powerful turned undead that follow similar paths to Grymn, rarely being more than one step away from Lawful Evil on the alignment chart and specializing in subdomains or other domains similar to Grymn. One can treat a Deathlord as their patron deity, but must know that they still follow Grymn’s rule.
  List of Vassals
  • Charnel
Mural of Grymn in the Graveacre.
Art by Oliver Odmark
Divine Classification
Greater God   Known Languages
All Narothian Languages   Sigil


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