Cleft (kleft)

Lawful Good God

God of Music, Cleft

Divine Domains

Cleft's main domains are Charm and Knowledge, two complimentary domains where one draws an audience to share the power of the other. Additional domains include Law and Good.

Holy Books & Codes

Cleft holds two holy books, titled "The Trebles" and "The Basses". Within the first lies the virtues one should aspire to have, and how to incorporate them into life. The current edition is 127f. Within the second book, the sins one should avoid in life are described. Committing these sins can be atoned, as long as they are not major. The current edition of "The Basses" is 221g.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The simplest divine symbols of Cleft are the musical F cleft and G cleft. Additional details can include five lines or musical notes, each being tools one uses to write music.
An elaborate symbol is the portrait of a handsome angel, often nude, with three pairs of wings sprouting from his waist. Some depictions include Cleft's relics, the 32-Pointed Halo and the Holy Harpstring.

Tenets of Faith

Even those that do not follow Cleft can recall the saying, "Music can change the world". Others may recall or recite less popular writs:
    • Music carries a message, and we are the messengers.
    • Music brings people together, no matter what language we speak.
    • To send light to darkness in peoples hearts is the duty of an artist.
    • The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.
These decrees and more can be found within the Holy Tomes of Cleft, as both provide guidance for a good and lawful life.


The main holiday revering Cleft is the holiday, Alma Mantra. It is a day to sing the song of your people, creating a sense of harmony and community. The history of the holiday comes from the famous performance Cleft gave to commoners, gifting them a song to sing through their rough times. Today, Alma Mantra is hosted on the twentieth day of September throughout all places of Cleft and is commonly celebrated within towns of the Main Plane. Often one can go to a house of Cleft to hear the songs of various lands and people for free.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Spreading knowledge and music naturally falls upon Cleft's duties, nurturing talents to spread wisdom, philosophy, and unite their common kin with their arts. Cleft keeps and protects these creations so that they may reverberate throughout the ages, inspiring the generations to come. Many mortals turn to Cleft to bring refreshing and uplifting pleasantries to their lives. As long as one doesn't defile Cleft's kindness or his creators, Cleft rarely wages battle against other gods except Elish.

Divine Vassals

The vassals of Cleft are called Angels, beings of pure sound with form and wings. All Angels follow similar paths to Cleft. They are no more than one step away from Lawful Good on the alignment chart and specialize in subdomains or other domains similar to Cleft. One can treat an Angel as their patron deity, but must know that they still follow Cleft's order. Except when Dodex borrows them on Cleft's behalf.

  List of Vassals
A mural of Cleft in the World Amphitheater
Art by Athena-Erocith
Divine Classification
God   Known Languages
All Narothian Languages   Sigils


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