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Newton's Moon

Newton's Moon is a bioluminescent ocean moon of a gas giant within the Norma/Outer Arm of the Milky Way. Its oceans are shallow, and filled with a mixture of water and a certain chemical, creating a thickened fluid that covers nearly the entire moon. It is the home of the intelligent Non-Newtonian species.


Newton's Moon is almost completely covered in a shallow ocean, only several meters deep at its deepest points. The ocean is not made up of simply water, but also trace amounts of a xanthan gum-like substance that thickens the water, creating a clear, viscous substance that serves as the bed for most of the life on the moon. The sheer volume of such a thickening agent on the moon implies some sort of mass bacterial extinction event. This species of bacteria likely spread over the whole moon and consumed all available simple sugars on the planet, leaving the byproduct of their fermentation. This process is effectively identical to how xanthan gum is produced on Earth, albeit with slightly different chemical makeups.   After the bacterial extinction, the amount of resources left behind gave way to cyanobacteria-like microorganisms, which eventually spread throughout the planet, both covering it in a bioluminescent algae and oxygenating the atmosphere. This paved the way for more complex and intelligent life to evolve, which eventually gave way to the Non-Newtonians.   This ocean takes up around 89% of the moon's surface area, and the rest with dry land. The Non-Newtonians are the only mobile species occupy the land, their only neighbors being stationary plants. The ocean is host to an incredible amount of organisms, both micro and otherwise, as the gelatinous fluid serves as a helpful foundation for life.


The Newtonian atmosphere is predominantly nitrogen, followed by oxygen, then trace amounts of other gases. Thanks to the planet's axial tilt causing the ocean's water to cool and become even thicker, many Newtonian life forms are to be found closer to the equator to avoid changes in viscosity during the cold seasons.   It regularly rains liquid water on the moon, which can even spiral into tropical cyclones. Extreme weather patterns, though not too common, exert wind force on the shallow oceans, creating waves and splashes that can reach incredible heights due to the moon's low gravity.

Classification Moon
Type Terrestrial, ocean
Alternative names None
Adjective Newtonian
Location Data
Planet Newton's Planet
Submoons None
Star system Newton's System
Spiral arm Outer Arm
Galaxy Milky Way
Orbit & Rotation
7.01 standard days
7d 14m 24s
6.52 standard days
6d 12h 28m 48s
Surface Characteristics
0.20 g
82 °F
(73 °F to 91 °F)
28 °C
(23 °C to 33 °C)
Surface pressure 1.3 atm
by volume
68% nitrogen
23% oxygen
8% carbon dioxide
<1% trace gases


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