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Synthetic Android

Synthetic Androids, colloquially synthetics or synths, are the most advanced form of artifical life to be produced. They exist between humans and androids, fundamentally made of chemicals and electronics, yet possessing a greater design that mirrors homo sapiens. From the outside, they are indisitinguishable from humans. They can touch, feel, see, experience love and emotion all the same, but some believe that this is merely computerized mimicry rather than true consciousness.  

Build and Appearance

Synthetic Androids are almost always modeled after humans, meaning they possess the same appearance. Additionally, their biology is modeled after their creators, with nanites instead of cells, supercomputers instead of brains. The basic chassis is a carbon fiber skeletonm covered in a system of vat-grown silicon colloid "muscles", powered through either pumped micro-hydraulics or electrical stimulation. These framework systems are completely homologous to those of the human body. Though the skeletal and muscular structures can withstand some wear and tear, the nanites that run throughout their entire body are coded and equipped to self-repair any minor damage that a synthetic sustains. Major damage, such as system/organ failure or loss of an appendage, must be repaired externally through the implementation of replacement parts. White liquid latex serves as a synthetic's circulatory fluid, flowing throughout the entire body for two main purposes: circulating nanites throughout the body and lubricating its interior systems. They are powered via a 25kW lithium power core, powered by inductive charging plates to be attached to the left chest area once a standard day while the synthetic sleeps.  

Society and Culture

Synthetic culture only exists in relation to that of human culture, not existing as their own subsect of it. However, because of their design, there exist several cultural and social differences between synths and humans. For one, synths do not need to breathe, but every synthetic is created with the ability to inhale and exhale air that, like humans, typically just occurs as a background activity that they are normally unaware of. They can turn this function off at will. They still blink to clean their eyes and sharpen their vision, but they can also turn off the instinct to do this. However, this eventually causes vision problems depending on the atmosphere.   They can still eat and taste, but this is a superfluous capability as they do not eat for energy. All eaten food is compressed and passed through a series of passages until being excreted through the anus. Synthetics do have their own version of food, that being a solution of liquid latex filled with nanites that their body uses to refill and replace its own circulatory fluid. Synthetics must also drink water, as it is used by the body to transport old or broken nanites from the urethra.   Synthetics still experience sexual arousal and pleasure as humans do, and possess sexual organs, although this cannot lead to reproduction as the synthetic body cannot create sperm nor eggs. Arousal and pleasure can also be turned off at will.
Creator species Human
Purpose Varies
Color Light to dark warm tones
Average height 5'8"
Average weight 140 lb.

Synthetic Traits

As a synthetic, you have the following traits.   Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increase by 1. Alternatively, three ability scores of your choice each increase by 1.   Age. Synthetics don't age, but may require maintenance to retain functionality. Standard synthetics are equipped with a power core with a lifespan of about 15 to 20 years, although more expensive models have been made with longer lifespans.   Size. Modeled after humans, synthetics vary widely in height and build, from below 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Synthetic Strengths. You are resistant to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage, and are immune to poison and disease. Additionally, you do not need to breathe, and you do not suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.   Synthetic Weaknesses. You are vulnerable to EMP damage, and have disadvantage on saving throws against effects that would deal EMP damage. You count as an android for powers that negatively affect only droids or constructs, but have advantage on saving throws against them.   Routine Maintenance. Synthetics still "sleep" as their electronic brain restarts and performs routine maintenance, their nanites repair normal damage and wear, and their power core is recharged. This process only takes 3 hours. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit a human would from 8 hours of sleep. Additionally, instead of food and water, you require daily usage of an inductive charging plate (ICP) and daily intake of synthetic solution. One pound of food is comparable to a single fully charged ICP, and one gallon of water is comparable to one quart of synthetic solution.   Cybernetically Made. Your body can support a number of cybernetic augmentations equal to twice your proficiency bonus. Installing cybernetic augmentations to your body takes half the time, and the installer is granted advantage on any ability check involved in the installation process.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write one Earthly language and one extra language of your choice.   Specific Design. Designed for a specific purpose, choose one of the following features:
  • Physical Protocol. You have proficiency in Athletics. Your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift doubles. If it would already double, it instead triples. Alternatively, you have expertise in Athletics.
  • Coordination Protocol. You have proficiency in two Dexterity skills of your choice. Alternatively, you have expertise in one Dexterity skill of your choice.
  • Knowledge Protocol. You have profiency in two Intelligence skills of your choice. Alternatively, you have expertise in one Intelligence skill of your choice.
  • Perceptive Protocol. You have proficiency in two Wisdom skills of your choice. Alternatively, you have expertise in one Wisdom skill of your choice.
  • Personality Protocol. You have proficiency in two Charisma skills of your choice. Alternatively, you have expertise in one Charisma skill of your choice.
  • Experience Protocol. You gain three additional languages or tool proficiencies.


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