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05 Riders on the Storm

General Summary

Preliminary Timeline Report on the Events of Thaelon IV - 27082297   MARKED SECRET - GRADE 0   The following is a tentative timeline to the experienced events of August 27 2297 at and around the Thaelon Excavation Site and environs. All knowledge of the following should be strictly controlled.   cca. 0.5 million years BCE - Thaelon IV installation, believed to be some sort of temple/ mnemonic repository is operational with a staff of cca 1000 exemplars of several Precursor Species particularly The Vro'pak - large bird analogues. The three artifacts on site are present and worshipped/investigated.   cca 100 thousand years BCE - The Thaelon IV installation is long abandoned, full of the bodies of dead Precursors. The three artifacts are present.   cca 5000 BCE - evidence of activity on site, no bodies present - site somehow sanitised. One proposed theory related to  Thaelon III nanite sands.   cca 1000 BCE - evidence of activity on site   cca 0 BCE - anachronistic evidence of human presence along with other species.   22.09.1979 - A US military polar array detects a powerful unidentified tight burst of radio emissions. With amplification but no modulation it presents similar signals for an extraterrestrial message as the SETI WOW! event but is very similar to background noise. US DOD analysts classify the signal's existence, dubbed ET1.   27.02.2033 - ET1 is one of ten signal candidates for US DOD AI analysis. ET1 is quickly revealed to be some sort of heavily encrypted message, masquerading as background radiation.   30.05.2038 - Maxwell IIIHVY manages to break ET1 encryption after applying a theoretical compression filter, considering  the powerful burst to be a simultaneous arrival event, as if the  message had been compressed by being beamed at faster-than-light speeds. The message seems to  surprisingly be in a difficultly intelligible mix of Spanish, English and Mandarin. Detailing some sort of time dilation spacetravel event the ET1 message is primarily text with undecipherable images and videos included. The gist of the message seems to be a preliminary analysis of a tachyon abnormality. Message is signed Ag. T. Visla   2040s - Despite the fact that the ET1 message is kept classified several confirmed theories from  the message (tachyon existence, FTL, even aliens) Discovery is not released as decision falls on the same day as the Chicago Dirty Bomb.   2066 - Original ET1 message lost with the burning of data center 4522 during the Southwest US water rebellion.   2122 - Description of "warp bubble effect" and tachyon accelerator in ET1 fundamental in the development of early Warp Drive Theory   cca 05.2273 - Thaelon site discovered by Chinorr Contract Explorers   25.07.2273 - Thaelon site discovered by Scyldari Exploration Order   cca. 08.2273 - Preliminary Chinorr exploration team discovers anachronistic Chinorr artefacts   2274 - Treaty and talks between Chinorr and Scyldari over the exploration and exploitation of the site   2294 - Beginning of joint Scyldari-Chinorr exploration of the Thaelon Excavation Site.   2295 - Offer of service and request for political asylum from low ranking Voor operative scheduled for summary denial is reversed by automatic analysis algorithms recognizing potential significance of defector name - Torak Visla - T. Visla cf. ET1   27.08.2297 - Detailed Theoretical Timeline   02:23:17 Thaelon Central Outpost reports Tachyon abnormalities.   02:44:44 Scyldari Operative [Classified], Class 2 Psionicist (Precog Priest) assigned to Thaelon Central Outpost for purpose of monitoring Chinorr arrivals is briefly heard screaming then is found catatonic.   02:57:33 UNE Specter arrives in the Thaelon System after experiencing tachyon abnormalities.   03:01:12 Thaelon Central Outpost reports difficulty accessing the subspace network   03:05:23 Ag. T. Visla sends a preliminary report via encrypted subspace tightbeam to UNE Central Intelligence and Federation Intelligence Command.   05:44:31 The UNE Specter contacts Excavation oversight aboard the SCS Kavash   05:58:02 The UNE Specter makes contact with Excavation Site Security - Junior Military Executive 2nd class Khajaviss arranges escort. Escort Awaits landing.   06:00:00 Beginning of Large Scale Tachyon Event (LSTE) A/B/? topical branches appear.   ?06:01:10 Specter Team arrives at installation checkpoint. Chinorr Guards open fire.   ?06:02:40B Specter team encountered deep within Thaelon Excavation Site   ?06:08:22B Specter Team arrives at Forward Base, makes contact with Scyldari and Chinorr science teams, talks about a tachyon event, possible link to   ?06:13:52B Junior Military Executive 2nd class Khajaviss arrives at Forward Base, Specter team requests access to Inner Sanctum.   ?06:22:24B Inner sanctum Investigated. Specialist Zax discovers significant Zro traces. Artifacts determined to be safe. Junior Military Executive 2nd class Khajaviss orders inner site evacuation and heavy military guard set outside pressurized area.   ?06:25:10? LSTE Effect. Increased Comm interference. Junior Military Executive 2nd class Khajaviss, Specter Team, 2 Chinorr Troopers, One Scyldari scientist temporally displaced. Effect directly observed by Scyldari Novitiate Alpha (testimony included in attachments) and Chinorr Junior Scientist 4th Class Beta (intercepted report included in attachments)   ?06:27:30A Landing of UNE Specter on site. Escort picks up Specter team.   ?06:42:30A  Specter team crosses bridge, arrives at installation checkpoint. A->B Chinorr Guards open fire.
  ?06:43:20A Two Chinorr Troopers guarding main airlock killed by two blasts, camera offline   ?06:44:55? Unidentified intruder (later identified by Federation Intelligence Command as Ag. T. Visla) caught on camera coming out of secure airlocked area. Unidentified Chinorr Trooper seen going in.   06:55:44 Shootout on Bridge, Junior Military Executive 2nd class Khajaviss B? disappears   06:58:42 UNE Specter leaves Excavation site   07:00:00 End of large scale tachyon event   07:03:39 UNE Specter contacted by Junior Military Executive 2nd class Khajaviss A. UNE Specter declies to stay, citing a tachyon event and the fact that site inspection is over. Before a reply can be given, Specter disappears.   07:04:00 UNE Specter disappears off radars.   07:05:00 UNE Specter reappears.   Cca 2520? - Site long abandoned. Advanced mechanic robot of Federation make present on site.   Further speculation based on recovered date files from site surveillance and Agent Zax's drone recorder lead to several conclusions.  
  • Tachyon event was caused by an unknown psionic entity (entity A)
  • Tachyon event was planned minutely, with outcomes known and expected
  • Tachyon event required colossal expenditure of energy, an estimated 10000 SEU, or the equivalent total consumption of Earth for several decades
  • Tachyon event did not cause reality bifurcation but rather self contained reiterant "loops"
  • Tachyon event led to intervention by further unknown entities of massive power (entities B) targeting the center of the loop, i.e. the Specter team. B entities seem to attempt to end any paradox or temporal abnormalities.
  • B entities are defeatable, if only temporary
  • B entities are directly opposed by entity A
Further research in the field is required. Further analysis of first hand accounts is required. Event to be labelled Class B cosmic intervention event.
Report Date
20 Apr 2021
Primary Location

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