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Star Name Thaelon
Class G
Age 4.5 billion years
Temperature 5670K
Size 1.2 SU

  A system at the edge of Scyldari space, claimed as little as a few standard months ago, the Thaelon system is not one of strategic importance, because though it is right on the Chinorr border there are no hyperlanes connecting it to the systems claimed by the Megacorp. Instead it is of great scientific interest, with signs that an advanced alien civilization once Inhabited this system. Indeed, there are signs that most of the asteroids in Thaelon's belt have been mined, and several anomalies have been discovered in the system. The one that first drew the Scyldari exploration team were the dust filled valleys and craters of Thaelon III, determined after careful investigation to have been covered in a type of nanite sand, fine dust from untold billions of long dead nanomachines. Thaelon III is theorized to have once been a life bearing planet, destroyed in some sort of catastrophic event, perhaps related to the L-Gate nanites.

  Thaelon IV

  Thaelon IV, however seems to have always been a barren rock. Yet it is on this rock that a Chinorr expedition ship and a Scyldari science vessel both identified a sprawling complex, likely the remains of some eons-old temple. After nearly two decades of negotiations, a common excavation site has recently been established, with the Scyldari claiming the system but the two empires working together to uncover the mysteries of the Thaelon IV complex.

      Thaelon IV - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 0.9 1.00
Planet Type Barren ST Temperate ST
Distance From Star 1.9 AU 1 AU
Orbital period 442 SD 365 SD
Day 43 SH 24 SH
Gravity 0.97 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 0 4.0
Temperature Range -271 - -172 - -85 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 0% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 0.00 1.00
Hazards None None

  Thaelon IV - Demographics:
Planet Class Excavation Site
Population 108
Breakdown by Species 45% Scyldari
40% Chinorr
10% Lok
5% Others
Breakdown by Access 25% Lower Dig Access
50% Perimeter Access
25% Excavation Camp Access
Breakdown by Job 10% Management (5% Lead Scientists, 3% Excavation Foremen, 2% Commanders)
45% Science Staff (15% Xenology, 13% Archeology, 11% Physics, 6% Military Science)
25% Security (15% Marines, 10% Guards)
20% Construction (18% Workers, 2% Foremen)

  Excavation Report:
- The complex seems to have been some sort of scientific and religious temple
- a large underground staff seems to have been here permanently
- the demise of the inhabitants was very fast, almost instantaneous
- murals investigated to discern any reasons for the demise
Star System
Related Reports (Primary)

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