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Star Name Iridar
Class G
Age 4.2 billion years
Temperature 5530K
Size 1.1 SU

  A classic life-bearing star, Iridar is a large, healthy G-class with a seven planet, two belt system around it. Some of the asteroids in the inner belt show some promise and the star itself has reliable flares that can be intercepted with particle nets for cheap energy but other than that the system has always shown little economic potential. Its main draw is Iridar IV, a life-bearing "savanna-world" with much of its landmasses covered in grasslands and steppes. Several late stone age civilizations of hunter gatherers and farmers have been identified with one in particular showing great promise.

  Apart from the observation post above Iridar IV, there is a small mining base in the asteroid belt, home to 15 or so miners and there is a permanent staff of twelve at the system's starbase outpost.  

Iridar IV

  As far back as 2237 Scyldari science ships identified that Iridar IV had some sort of a civilization on its surface. After a few tentative missions in the 2280s, a permanent research and observation post was established in orbit with a limited staff . The research has proven quite useful in several Scyldari research fields, including xenology, xenosociology and comparative religious studies.   The planetary natives, nicknamed the Voltari ("person" in their native tongue) resemble a mix between large sloths and horses and are incredibly peaceful (mostly) vegetarians. Individuals seem to share all work and show little difference between the genders, even lacking gender differentiation in their language. This, however seems to change at least once a year, when the Voltari (or at least those under observation) descend into underground caverns for mating rituals. These rituals have not of yet been observed.

Iridar - Comparative statistics
/ Planet Baseline
Planet Size 0.87 1.00
Planet Type Temperate ST Temperate ST
Distance From Star 1.1 AU 1 AU
Orbital period 412 SD 365 SD
Day 42 SH 24 SH
Gravity 0.92 G 1.00 G
Biosphere Tier 4.0 4.0
Temperature Range -75 - +19 - +57 -89 - +14 - +60
Atmosphere Compatibility 93% 100%
Revised Earth Similarity Index 0.89 1.00
Hazards None None

  Iridar - Demographics:
Planet Class Primitive Homeworld
Population 9.595.000 Natives, 9 Off-World Scientists ( 66% Scyldari, 34% Others)
Breakdown by species 100% Voltari
Breakdown by rights 100% Primitive Tribesmen
Breakdown by class 5% Ruling Class (5% Priesthood )
90% Middle Class ( 40% Hunter-Gatherers, 30% Farmers, 10% Workers, 10% Young)
5% Idle
Breakdown by wealth
5% poor
95% Very poor

Star System
Related Reports (Primary)

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