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02 Down Below

General Summary

After Action Report: Ooze Catacombs on Iridar IV
  A report by: Zlatan Dragomir - Agent?   Begin Recording again, this time cut out this part at the beginning, make it all pretty like. This here is a reporting of the events that happened underground during the recovery of the Scyldari scientists that were trapped and such by the natives on the Iridar.   We were two weeks into the trip, attached to the Scyldari Border Patrol fleet. Halfway through a shooting session with the Scyldari marines I... We was called in on deck for briefing, after exiting hyperspace. The captain of the cruiser and the whole fleet in fact said there was a distress signal from some science station and that they were obligated to intervene. Apparently there was a missing science team on the surface of Iridar IV. Put a link here. We were not obligated but we chose to help anyway with the fleet waiting for a few hours and then heading to the next system where we would rendez-vous. When I say we make a note of the others attach file link and whatnot to Alex's file, Zax's and what the hell, link mine for good measure. We decided to take our ship down to the station but not the planet because of some Scyldari rules on interacting with natives or somesuch and see if we can help. We met with a stressed out Lok who explained the problem was that the research team had gone underground to observe the natives doing it almost two days ago and had failed to return. We had to locate and retrieve them without angering the natives. that was illegal We took a cloaked shuttle down to the planet and started looking, with Zax scanning things around with his scanner. Everything seemed to be asleep, the Lok scientist in the observation post had said that all this was because of a yearly allignment of the planet and its two moons with the Iridar star. it was still strange to see whole herds of animals sleeping, nearly catatonic. We found the first cloaked shuttle - it seemed ok, with no damage but Zax's scanner alerted us to some "particulates" - we took no notice for now.   We entered the village and most natives still topside - young and old ones - were in a strange state of sleep. We headed towards the catacomb entrance.   Down below, everything was weird - there seemed to be some sort of interference in the air, there were strange sights and smells and some weird goop. Fortunately Alex, the yaga, seemed to know where to go. Zax was more confused - there was some interference in the air. But we headed deeper, looking for the missing scientists. Soon however Zax identified what the interference was - some sort of nanite infection - in the air and especially in the goop - and it was starting to eat at our equipment. Alex said that we should evacuate but we dind't have a chance - the natives, who were supposedly peaceful were driven insane by the nanites or ... something and they rushed us, forcing us to shoot - emphasize words here in case there is any discussion about us shooting the natives - they came at us first!   We were cut off from the surface by more natives so we heade in, trying to find the scientists, deeper. THe walls here were no longer rough -they seemed carved by tools, and not the type primitives would have. But we headed even deeper, our clothes eaten by the swarming nanites. You could taste them - metallic in the air... Soon we found our first scientist or rather our first remains - the ripped arm of a scyldari scientist - and the emergency beacon we had identified earlier.   We came into a large ritual chamber filled with pools of goo - in which the crazed natives threw their dead to dispose of and the living for healing. We barely had enough time to see how strange this all was because we discovered the remaining scientists. Zax affixed some sort of a monitoring device while Alex talked to the ragged survivors. We decided to leg it to the surface with them in tow. I don't know how... but we made it out and sneaked back to the ship. And Alex... she seems to had seen something down there. A strange thing that convinced her the natives were in some sort of a relationship with the nanite goo...   Outside, however, the alignment was over and we legged it back to the shuttle to the sounds of nature waking up. Both shuttles made it to orbit.   End Report, there's no need to add our decontamination discussion. And give me that brief report table to fill or I will not hear the end of it.   Brief Reports:
Enemies Defeated 3
Injured Agents 0
Mental State "Creeped Out"
Physical State Fine
Locations Explored 1
Mission State Success 10/10

Rewards Granted

EVA Suits
Surveillance Kit

Missions/Quests Completed

Down Below - Rescue Scientists lost on Iridar.

Character(s) interacted with

Admiral Mik J’kanna - Scyldari high command
  Dr. Vera Han - Federation Psionics Specialist
  Cmdr. Vish De'kal - Captain of the Alliance Cruiser D'rila, Commander of the Scyldari border fleet.
  Statistical assistant Geruzac - Lok scientist aboard Iridar IV observation post
  Lead Scientist Krell’oj - Scientist in charge of the Iridar IV observation post, rescued from the catacombs on Iridar IV.
Report Date
30 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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