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Arthris is a city that embodies the beauty and power of the Kaphtori Aethry. Perched atop a stunning white cliff overlooking the azure sea, this city is a sight to behold for anyone who approaches from the water. Its gleaming towers and graceful arches leave visitors awestruck and envious of the Aethry's exceptional architectural skills.

As the capital of the Kingdom of Nisi, Arthris is a hub of activity and culture in the eastern archipelago. The city is renowned for its amphitheaters, where the Aethry perform their most celebrated artistic and literary traditions. Theatrical productions, oral storytelling, and rhetoric competitions are just some of the events that visitors can witness in these venues.

The city's most significant wonder, however, is not man-made. The massive mountain of Óros Ídhi that dominates Nisi's skyline and embodies the spirit of the Aethry's patron and protector, Ídhi, is located just beyond the city's walls. The Aethry regularly hold ceremonies and rituals in honor of Ídhi, and it is not uncommon for Aethry youths to attempt the perilous flight to the mountain's peak, hoping to gain a vision or blessing from the deity.

Arthris itself is a marvel of Aethry engineering and design. The city's layout and architecture are designed to accommodate the Aethry's unique physiology, with wide avenues and spacious public areas that allow the winged humanoids to fly freely. The city's buildings are constructed with lightweight materials that can withstand the gusting winds that often buffet the cliffs, and they are decorated with intricate carvings and paintings that depict scenes from Aethry mythology and history.

The heart of Arthris is the Pteryóthronos Anáktoron, or Palace of the Winged Throne, the seat of the Aethry's government and the residence of the current monarch, Queen Aerithia. The palace is a towering structure that dominates the city's skyline, with gleaming white walls and a roof adorned with golden filigree. The palace's interior is a wonder in its own right, with vast chambers and halls that are decorated with priceless works of art and furnished with luxurious furnishings and decor.


Arthris is a bustling city with a population of around 50,000 Aethry, making it one of the largest cities in the Islands. The Aethry people are known for their pride and haughtiness, and this is evident in the way they carry themselves in the city. Humans and other species are not encouraged to live in the city, and thus few accommodations are made to support the flightless.


Arthris is governed by a council of elders who are elected by the people. The council is responsible for making decisions regarding the city's welfare and maintaining its relationship with the rest of Nisi. The council also oversees the city's trade, ensuring that merchants and traders are treated fairly and that the city's interests are protected. The council is led by the High Elder, who is considered the ultimate authority in the city. The High Elder is elected from among the council members, and serves for a term of five years. The council can be overruled by Queen Aerithia, but she rarely intervenes in city affairs, preferring to focus her attention on national and international issues.


Arthris is well-defended, with a formidable system of walls protecting the city from attack. The walls are made of a strong, white stone that is native to Nisi, and are several feet thick in some places. These walls do not have many gates, as the Aethry themselves can fly over the walls. The city is also protected by a powerful fleet of ships, which patrol the waters around Nisi and keep the city safe from pirate attacks.

Industry & Trade

Arthris is a bustling trade hub, with goods from all over the islands passing through its markets. The city's location atop the white cliffs makes it a natural port, and its skilled artisans produce some of the finest crafts in the region. The Aethry are famous for their intricate stone carvings, jewelry, and textiles, which they sell to visitors from all over the world. The city's bustling markets are also home to many exotic goods, from spices and herbs to rare animals and magical artifacts.


Arthris boasts some of the most impressive architecture in Nisi, with gleaming towers, graceful arches and ornate buildings dotting the cityscape. The city is well-planned, with broad avenues and spacious squares. The city's infrastructure is impressive, with a well-maintained system of roads and bridges connecting the different districts of the city. The city is also home to a bustling port, which serves as the main point of entry and exit for goods and people travelling to and from the city.


Arthris is divided into several districts, each with its own unique character and charm. The central district is home to the Palace of the Winged Throne and the Council chambers, as well as some of the city's most impressive buildings and monuments. The residential district is located on the outskirts of the city, and is home to a mix of grand mansions and more modest dwellings. The commercial district is where visitors will find the city's markets, shops and taverns. The district of the arts is where the city's artists and performers live and work, and is home to several theatres and amphitheatres.


Arthris is known for its exceptional architectural and artistic traditions, and its talented craftsmen and artisans. The city is also a hub for trade and commerce, with merchants and traders from across Nisi flocking to the city's markets to buy and sell goods. The city's port is a major asset, allowing goods and people to move in and out of the city easily. The city is also home to several temples and shrines dedicated to Ídhi, which draw pilgrims and worshippers from all over Nisi.

Guilds and Factions

Arthris is home to several influential guilds and factions, each vying for power and influence in the city. The most powerful of these is the Artisans' Guild, which controls much of the city's trade and is responsible for many of its most beautiful buildings. The Guild is led by the Master Artisan, a powerful and influential figure who commands great respect among the Aethry people. Other important factions in the city include the Council, a group of powerful nobles who advise the city's rulers, and the Theater Guild, which is responsible for organizing the city's many theatrical performances.


Arthris has a long and proud history, stretching back to the earliest days of the Aethry people. According to legend, Ídhi guided the Aethry to the white cliffs and instructed them to build their city there. Over the centuries, Arthris grew and prospered, becoming one of the most powerful cities in the region.

Points of interest

Arthris is home to many beautiful and fascinating landmarks, each with its own unique story and significance. One of the most famous is the Temple of Ídhi, a massive structure built into the side of the mountain that dominates the island. The temple is a place of great reverence and worship for the Aethry people. Other notable landmarks include the Amphitheater, the largest of its kind in the islands, and the Royal Library, which contains some of the oldest and most important books in the region.


Arthris is known for its beautiful and intricate architecture, which blends seamlessly with the natural beauty of the white cliffs on which the city is built. Many of the city's buildings are made from a gleaming white stone, which is quarried from the nearby mountains and carved with incredible skill and precision by the city's artisans. The city's most important buildings, including the Temple of Ídhi and the Master Artisan's Guildhall, are particularly grand and imposing, with soaring arches and intricate carvings that leave visitors awestruck.


Arthris is located on the southern coast of Nisi, one of the most beautiful and picturesque islands in the Million Islands archipelago. The island is characterized by its stunning white cliffs, which rise majestically from the azure sea and provide a natural defense against would-be invaders. The island is also home to several mountains, including the sacred Óros Ídhi, which dominates the island and is visible from almost anywhere on Nisi. The island is rich in natural resources, including fertile farmland and plentiful fishing grounds, which have helped to support the city's growth and prosperity over the centuries.
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