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Bhrecky Wyrm (ˈvrɛkə 'wərm)

The Bhrecky Wyrm is one of the Ellyll, and is embodied by the Strait of Bhreacain. It is most often found within the whirlpool that dominates the northern portion of the strait. The wyrm manifests as an enormous sea serpent whose body is made of saltwater and seafoam. It is only visible when it rears up out of the water to strike, and cannot be injured by physical weapons, which slide through its watery flesh without harm. Nobody is sure exactly how long the wyrm is, and some believe it may go on for miles below the water.

The Bhrecky Wyrm is known for its hunger and its ability to swallow ships whole. It normally preys on ships that attempt to pass through the Strait of Bhreacain, but this dangerous waterway does not get large amounts of traffic. According the Selkies who live on the coast near the Strait, if no ship is lost within the strait for seven years in a row, the wyrm begins to look elsewhere for food, raiding the coasts of Motha and Shag for anyone within its reach, and possibly emerging from the strait to seek ships taking another path.

To avoid this outcome, the Selkies who live near the strait will build a sacrificial ship any time it looks like a seven year gap might happen. This ship is loaded with livestock, usually pigs, and set adrift in the Strait for the wyrm to eat. They have also been known to misdirect ships who do not know the hazards to sail through the strait, although this is most often reserved for gullible Eyjamaður raiders who are foolish enough to take navigational advice from their victims.

The only way to ensure that the wyrm will leave a ship alone is to cast a large amount of whiskey into the waters as you sail. Opinions are divided about why the wyrm will spare ships that pour whiskey out - some say that the wyrm is grateful for the liquor, while others claim it becomes too drunk to attack. Either way, ships willing to sacrifice a few barrels of fine whiskey need only contend with the normal hazards of the Strait of Bhreacain, and not the wyrm itself.

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May 1, 2024 19:55 by Joella Kay

Nice image. And really love this creature!

May 5, 2024 17:46

Thanks! I was happy with how it turned out.