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Strait of Bhreacain (stɹeɪt ʌv vruixkən̴̪)

The Strait of Bhreacain runs between the islands of Motha and Shag. It is considered one of the least navigable regions in the entire Arcaibh Islands. The strait is best known for its impressive whirlpool, but it also has strong tidal currents and standing waves which can reach over fifteen feet high.  

Notable Spirits

The Strait is known to be the home of the dangerous spirit called the Bhrecky Wyrm. This creature lives within the whirlpool, and will attack and devour any creature that attempts to navigate the Strait. The islanders know that it will not tolerate being hungry too long, and will leave the strait to start hunting ships if none sail into its lair. If seven years go by without a ship being lost to the whirlpool, they will load a raft with several animals, usually pigs, and set it adrift near the whirlpool to satiate the wyrm. They are also known to trick ships of Eyjamaður raiders into sailing the strait, although there are few still credulous enough to take navigation advice from their victims.


The strait is just under two miles long, and about 1200 yards across at its narrowest point. Its depth varies significantly along the length with some sections reaching over 650 feet, punctuated by pinnacles and walls of rock that thrust up from the seabed. The shallowest of these outcroppings are less than 100 feet beneath the surface, and this underwater landscape helps shape the dangerous phenomena in the strait. The whirlpool forms in the northern portion of the strait, where the gap between Motha and Shag grows wider. It is not present all the time, but can appear suddenly depending on the conditions of the tide and weather. When the whirlpool does form, it fills the area with a great roar that can be heard up to ten miles away.


The shores on either side of the strait have abundant wildlife, including a seal colony and a nesting site for sea eagles. The waters are also filled with life, including otters, dolphins, sharks and many species of fish. These animals are deeply familiar with the dangers of the strait, and wise sailors keep an eye on them if they sail here.
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Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 59.18 degrees North
Longitude: 72.72 degrees East
Area: 0.97 sq mi


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