Buyan is the eleventh largest island in the great ring. It is the home to multiple ethnicities of the Zmei specirs, and has the unusual quality of appearing and disappearing depending on the phase of the moon. It is also known for having many strange and wondrous species, the best known being the Konvetra, the wingless horse-like birds ridden by the Zmei.
The southern coast of Buyan, where it connects to the Great Ring under the full moon, is known as Lukomorye. Sometimes this is used to refer to the entire island, but more often is only the coast and the forests of the lowlands.
Fauna & Flora
TBD, but the Buyan's flora and fauna are going to be inspired by dinosaurs, albeit at quite an evolutionary distance. The exemplar species I've got so far is the konvetra, who are feathered quadrapeds that are similar in many ways to horses, but are not mammalian in origin.
Alternative Name(s)
Location under
Included Organizations
Geographic Details
Location: Northern RegionLatitude: 55.45 degrees North
Longitude: 3.76 degrees West
Average Elevation: 610 ft
Highest Point: 9,587 ft
Lowest Point: -10 ft
Area: 35,770 sq mi