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Dirfyos (ˈdɪrfiˌɒs)

Dirfyos is the highest mountain on the island of Macris, and is the site of the most famous oracle in the Kaphtor Islands. The temple of the oracle is located inside a cave on the eastern face of the mountain, accessible only via a path down from the summit. Petitioners who seek to consult the Oracle of Dirfyos are required to climb the mountain and wait at the peak to be summoned; the Ouroboros Inn is there for those who seek prophecies to await their call. Not everyone who asks for a glimpse of the future is granted one; only those whose names are called may enter the temple and ask their questions. One of the most famous prophecies ever granted by the Oracle was to the famous Hundaru of Telmun, although the content was not known until after the conquerer was dead. According to Callisthenes of Macris, the Oracle told Hundaru that he could forge the largest empire the world had ever seen, and die young of treachery, or be content with what he already ruled, and live a long life. Faced with this choice, Hundaru chose the shorter path and immortal glory, and was dead of poison at the age of 42.

Notable Spirits

The god of Dirfyos is the most significant spirit on the mountain, and is the source of the prophetic visions the oracle is famous for. It manifests as streamers of serpentine smoke that emerge from vents deep in the temple cave, moving purposefully around the dim cavern before selecting one of the adepts who reside there. The selection of an adept seems to correspond with the nature of the prophecy, and the priesthood of Dirfyos is always interested when a new adept is chosen, as this can indicate a new type of prophecy to be delivered. Occasionally, the god will bypass their adepts altogether and select someone from the questioner's party (but never the questioner themself) - it is believed that this happens when only that person could provide the answer the god wishes to give.

Whichever vessel the god chooses, the next step is the same. The smoke curls around the body of the person, lifting them up and forming a vaporous body that obscures their own. The lower half becomes a translucent snake's tail, and the person's features become serpentine when viewed through the haze. When they speak, it is with their own voice, but not their language or cadence. The god speaks slowly, in the language of the Nakaal, which is then interpreted for the questioner. Scholars who know the ancient tongue have testified that the translation is accurate, although the interpretation of the words is not always simple. Usually, the answer will have meaning to the questioner, although it may not seem to be associated to the question asked.

Once the prophecy is delivered, the smoky body slowly dissolves back into serpentine tendrils of vapor. These linger in the cave, and may touch various members of the god's clergy, passing instructions and knowledge to them. Frequently, a prophecy will cause the priestesses to send a number of letters upon the god's instructions, although if there is a pattern to these communications, it is not known outside the temple. Those who protest that their prophecy was private are ignored, and if they attempt to interfere with the business of the temple, they are usually cast out into the open air. Occasionally, the god dictates that they are to be unharmed, and then they are returned forcibly to the Ouroboros and told not to return to the temple.


The lower slopes of the mountain are covered with forests, and are known to harbor an unusual number of snakes. Killing a serpent on the slopes of Dirfyos is considered an act of sacrilege.
Mountain / Hill
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 37.53 degrees North
Longitude: 44.91 degrees East
Elevation: 5,486 ft


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